OK, that's it...I'm sick of this attitude of "eso es asi", (that's just the way it is) When lightening ignites a forrest fire, when earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and volvanos erupt....THAT is the "way it is". When fires are set by man, with the end motivation of gaining more money, that is irresponsible negligence. Granted, this occurs annually to clear for planting, doesn't mean it should be. YES, i'm here by choice, but NO, I don't see Arg/BS as some majical paradise where all ugliness should be dismissed as "just another characteristic of the city". Simple fact is, this is happening and regardless of how "organic" burning grasslands are viewed, when that smoke mixes with all the toxic fumes already in the air over the city, then you have a nasty concoction for your lungs.
Let's look at the bright side: Maybe cigarette sales have been slowed this week..............I still doubt that. Defend your choice to be here all you want, but I'm tired of hacking up lung oysters.