Why are we losing our hair?

The change in diet must be affecting immigrants, because Argentines are nothing if not hairy...:)
bradlyhale said:
Does anyone have any experience buying a product here in BA to prevent hair loss and stimulate growth? Any recommendations?
Minoxidil is available OTC. It works quite well. However the main hair loss culprit in BA is the air polution. Even if you live near the river and think the sky is blue.....it's not. Good vitimins help but you should import them as the selection here is limited and very expensive.
ghost said:
However the main hair loss culprit in BA is the air polution.

If that was true everyone in LA and Denver would be bald.

And the pollution would also hit Porteños, who have great manes of hair. It must be the diet, or some other factor.
I am no expert and am close to bald myself as all my brothers and dad were in their 30s .I do believe that shampoos or harsh dryers and gels make you bald . They are full of toxic chemicals that cannot do your hair follicles any good.
I honestly think the Porteña women have some sort of witch-type powers when it comes to hair/looks. They are thin as rails, yet appear to subsist on a diet of plates and plates of cheesey pasta, pizza, alfajores, tastey cakes and cookies, etc. One of my roommates is from BA, and she is stunning with that great cascading lightly curly hair and a perfect slim athletic figure, and she eats EXACTLY that diet I described above. I swear i have never seen her eat a vegetable, save tomatoes and avocados :)

More seriously, when I got a manicure, the manicurist actually said to me that my nails looked like they were falling apart due to a vitamin deficiency. I think its a pollution/vitamin combination. Maybe also a lack of fatty acids because we are all eating less fish than at home?
ewww. That's gross. It must be diet or genetics.

lol @ blaming THIS too on Argentina
SaraSara said:
If that was true everyone in LA and Denver would be bald.

And the pollution would also hit Porteños, who have great manes of hair. It must be the diet, or some other factor.

This ought to be obvious. The planet is packed with large cities as polluted or more polluted than Buenos Aires, and visitors to these cities don't seem to suddenly start going bald.

Besides, isn't hair loss almost entire hereditary, excluding the effects from chemotherapy?

Maybe if you live here a while and get lung cancer, you could make a case. But pollution making your hair fall out? Blame your mother.
I think more than anything, it's humidity. It does effect hair.
Colder weather actually makes it a bit better, but come spring/summer, it'll become a problem again.
I always assumed it had to do with the climate/humidity. Since I've been in Argentina, my skin problems/eczema have gotten worse and my hair has gotten thinner. Even if I'm in the states for ten days, my skin will clear up.

Unfortunately, my hair just keeps getting thinner and thinner.

When I was in my teens, people would always exclaim at how thick my hair was. Now it's just "Ah, tenes muy poquito pelo..." :(
It always comes back to the same question: how come the climate/diet/whatever does not affect the locals?

It has to be something else they are immune to.