Why Does Everyone Pick On Argentina?

Does everyone pick on Argentina?

  • Yes, because they resist the Neo-Liberals

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • No, Argentina is a suffering from delusions of grandeur along with a healthy measure of paranoia

    Votes: 24 82.8%
  • Not everyone picks on Argentina - just the bloody Yanquis

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Argentines have long blamed the US for their problems. It's a legacy of Peronism. It's a convenient subterfuge for corrupt politicians and their compliant "constituents". The Argentine people are not especially good at introspection. I believe that it is a reflection of the superficiality of the culture. On the surface BA looks sophisticated but it is more patina than substance. At a far more significant level Porteños are obsessed with status, image, bragging, outdoing each other. There is less than minimal sense of community, little concern for the well being of the nation. It is a country without much of an identity that asserts itself in negativity and finger pointing rather than in the constructive pursuits of nation building. The political system, being closed and corrupt (especially in the poorer provinces where feudalistic caudillismo rules), excludes those capable individuals who could lead the nation to prosperity and more genuine democracy. It is a nation forever trapped in its own narrowness and limitations, its refusal to look beyond the confines of its prejudices. If Argentina did not have vast natural and human resources, few people would bother to express their disappointment over the current state of affairs. The shocking state of economic and social decay that exists today highlights the nation's ongoing failures. In reality, though, few foreigners think or care about Argentina. Argentines arrogantly think that it matters to Americans and Europeans when in reality it was off their radar to begin with.

Well said, Sergio.
I don't care how you spell it but the term "Yankee" is seldom (if ever) meant in a kind way when used by Argentines. I have never heard it used in any way but to put down the US and Americans. It is no different from the offensive term "Sudaca" used by the Spanish to refer to Argentines and other South Americans. Every Argentine who uses this word should be told clearly that it is equal to "Sudaca". It's an unfortunate name for a baseball team in Argentina.


La palabra sudaca es, según la definición del Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, una expresión despectiva utilizada en España para referirse a los naturales de América del Sur.1 Según el Diccionario de uso del español de María Moliner, el término peyorativo es aplicable también a los naturales de Hispanoamérica.2 Otras fuentes no normativas citan también la variante «sudoca», con significado similar.3 4
I don't care how you spell it but the term "Yankee" is seldom (if ever) meant in a kind way when used by Argentines. I have never heard it used in any way but to put down the US and Americans. It is no different from the offensive term "Sudaca" used by the Spanish to refer to Argentines and other South Americans. Every Argentine who uses this word should be told clearly that it is equal to "Sudaca". It's an unfortunate name for a baseball team in Argentina.


La palabra sudaca es, según la definición del Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, una expresión despectiva utilizada en España para referirse a los naturales de América del Sur.1 Según el Diccionario de uso del español de María Moliner, el término peyorativo es aplicable también a los naturales de Hispanoamérica.2 Otras fuentes no normativas citan también la variante «sudoca», con significado similar.3 4

My nephews have always called me el tío yanqui with no offense intended (or taken). The Shankees' manager (whom I know) is US-born of an Argentine mother, and doesn't take it seriously either.
No one picks on Argentina, everything Cristina says is true!

Can't wait until Tutankhamun comes to visit. I wonder if it will be at the same time the F1 race happens. :ph34r:
I don't care how you spell it but the term "Yankee" is seldom (if ever) meant in a kind way when used by Argentines. I have never heard it used in any way but to put down the US and Americans. It is no different from the offensive term "Sudaca" used by the Spanish to refer to Argentines and other South Americans. Every Argentine who uses this word should be told clearly that it is equal to "Sudaca". It's an unfortunate name for a baseball team in Argentina.


La palabra sudaca es, según la definición del Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, una expresión despectiva utilizada en España para referirse a los naturales de América del Sur.1 Según el Diccionario de uso del español de María Moliner, el término peyorativo es aplicable también a los naturales de Hispanoamérica.2 Otras fuentes no normativas citan también la variante «sudoca», con significado similar.3 4
And we can add to the list the true offensive pronunciation of U S A as uuuuuussssaaa.
Am pretty sure paying what you owe isnt a "*neo-liberal" concept?----*a term which about much meaning as "turkey twizzler")

If I borrow some money off a mate I am not bowing down in front of the great Satan if I pay him back am I?

Now, if my mate turns up, tries to steal my boat and produces a lawyer telling me I owe him 1068%, then yeah, I'm allowed to tell him to go fck himself.

What if your mate wants only the face value of the debt plus 10 years interests!! not what you offer him 35 % of the debt??
The 1068 % is a construction based on what they paid for the bonds ?? bonds go up and down some have distressed prices in the market !!
Your mate may come and burn your Boat