Why don't Portenos know the words "I'm sorry"

Matty, I basically agree with you, but also think that the notion of personal space here is different than in other places, ie, people are more "touchy", they kiss more, etc, so it might not be perceived as uneducated ( just like the noise asians make when eating their noodles! )
I was asked to clarify the reason behind my post. It just seems to me that Portenos seldom ever apologize for anything and tend to take the attitude that other people are wrong but not them. It seems to me to be a kind of arrogance. There are a few exceptions but generally I find people here less gracious than they could be. Is this based on personal experience? Of course!
"nikad" said:
Has anyone noticed how seldom you hear these words in BA? People seem very reluctant to admit that they ever make mistakes. I find this very frustrating. Why is this?

Maybe porteñso do not know the words "I´m sorry" cos they are 1-they are porteños, 2-spanish is their mother tongue and official language, 3-the idea of eprsonal space here is very different from US and European customs 4-maybe your translation into spanish for "I´m sorry" is inaccurate
Nice set of statements... However...
1- Yes, they are porteños. That doesn't exempt them from apologizing, does it?
2- Yes, Spanish is their mother tongue and official language. So what? This is not a matter of language. We're talking about good manners, and from what I see, your fellow countrymen have NONE.
3- Some posters are saying that porteños are reluctant to admit mistakes. This could be in ANY situation. Nobody referred to personal space in particular.
4- I don't think this is a translation issue, either. One of the first things you learn in a foreign language is how to apologize. We all know the Spanish equivalents for "I'm sorry". The point is that argentines rarely use them. Silence is never a form of apology...
It is possible that apologizing is not big in the city, but elsewhere people are a lot kinder and do apologize, and ask for permiso, disculpe, por favor, etc. I guess in general people living in large cities all over the world tend to be more dry. Jokes aside, I find it frustrating too, especially since I am porteña and I always apologize, etc. In general I don´t even get an answer when I do, most likely I won´t even get an eye to eye contact. I really don´t think it is arrogance, I would rather say it is lack of good manners.
Nikad may be right that Portenos do not have good manners. Certainly I find them to lack gentleness. There are exceptions but in general I find they speak in gruff tones, shout all the time and seldom apologize for their mistakes. Other big cities in the world are full of tension but I have never come across a group of people who were so unwilling to do any self-reflection as the Portenos.
Somebody apologised last night in Canning when my wife stabbed him with her heel. Today a policeman apologised when he brushed passed me in a bar.
"tangobob" said:
Somebody apologised last night in Canning when my wife stabbed him with her heel. Today a policeman apologised when he brushed passed me in a bar.
OMGGGGGG don´t be fooled by that, must be the Xmas spirit, LOL
"donquixote" said:
Mr. Consientious.AKA Markus
Let us assume that you were born and raised in Zimbabwe, Switzerland or say Argentina. Would you be the same polite, conciderate virtuous person that you believe you are? " No I'm not Czech I'm German". The polite German people were not so polite to the Czech. Does Prague mean anything to you?
Promising to be there for someone and then not showing up without even apologizing is simply WRONG, regardless of one's nationality. For your information, not all argentines think this is normal behavior... In fact, some of them are very critical of it, which flushes your theory down the toilet. This can't be just a cultural thing since not all natives accept it.
The fact that the majority of argentines are reluctant to apologize doesn't make it right. Quite the contrary, it shows that they are vulgar people with no manners and no consideration for others. If you fail to recognize this, then you are just as rude and inconsiderate as they are.
What the hell does WW2 have to do with politeness? In times of war, people do horrible things. Those are called WAR CRIMES and are violations of human rights. No connection to courtesy and manners!! Or have you not studied International Law?
It seems obvious to me that you have nothing intelligent to say. Please educate yourself before making stupid comments.
PS consCientious, conSiderate. Why don't you take some spelling lessons? That wouldn't be bad either...
Five more days and I'll be leaving BsAs for San Jose, Costa Rica. I'll probably join a Expats Group there. Now I'll be able to read the expats postings bashing Costa Rica. Come to think about it maybe I won't join one.
Last night I fell over my own shoe lace, and some porteño appologised.