The problem are not only the human resources, neither the ventilators, it is a problem of ideology.
In Argentina the health is a right and it is for free while in the US is a business, and it is super expensive.
Argentina has less cases than the US because they, because of ideology, gave priority to the economy while Argentina gave priority to health.
Meanwhile Trump is blaming to China and boycotting quarantine; Argentina is receiving 2 flights per week of medical supplies from China including full protective suits, 1500 ventilators, N95 and a robotized machine for produce local 2.000.000 per month N95:
The first airplane was a donation because Argentina during Perón´s Presidency donated food to China when they were starving.![]()
Coronavirus: llegó a la Argentina una máquina que fabrica 7.000 barbijos por hora
El aparato será instalado en una industria privada y producirá insumos para proteger al personal mé
In the US rights are related to citizenship while in Argentina are related to be a human beings.
It is not true Hospitals are now running at full capacity, this is why everything else was cancelled. Now hospitals are for Coronavirus.
We are not lacking beds, neither ventilators.
So, the bid difference between Argentina and the US is ideological. It is better to be here now and in the close future. Remember that the Spanish flu killed 3 million in the first wave and between 50 up to 100 million in the second.
One of your best posts, Bajo. very well written.