Wild Cat In Back Yard

No worry Mc most of these precious pedals live in Palermo Sissiwood. I have found a excellent use for these cats.

That is pretty awesome. Especially the shark. I'm not sure what inspires people to do things like this but that was significantly less morbid and more awesome than I expected.

Conceptual progenitor of Pensador.

Edit: So in a nod to all of the bleading hearts on here I decided to risk rabies and try and chase it through the house with the dog Clark Griswold style (I even tried to get the snooty neigboor to come to the front door). Alas before I could even get everything set up the damn cat ran up a tree. I give up. Serafina what are you doing tomorrow and do you climb trees?
Ajajajajaja I haven't watched that in years.

I totally forgot about the cousin Eddie option! Paging gs dirtboy...
Not that I'm aware of. I don't want to torture the damn thing just want to get rid of it or kill it without exposing myself to rabies or any other nasty diseases it might have. I hoped it might go away last night but sure enough this morning it was still there.

I checked mercadolibre they have some fox traps http://articulo.merc...ima-calidad-_JM if it's still here this evening I'll have to see about ordering on. Foxes are about the same size as cats right? $130 pesos seems like a lot of money to spend on a cat though.

If it had rabies it would have attacked you or your dogs by now.
If it had rabies it would have attacked you or your dogs by now.
Haven't realt given it a chance but you're probably right. It's acting strangly though.

It's also officially too stupid to use either the ladder or the makeshift bridge I built it today from the tree to the neighbors yard.

To top it off it killed at least one if not two of the lagartijas that hang out in the yard. Those are animals I actually like! They eat the Mosquitos who are just about as welcome as this cat