One of my favorite words are “cascarrabias,” often used in the context “viejo cascarrabias” as in grumpy old man, which is just a really fun word to say (in your head, not out loud!) about some really grumpy person in front of you. So when someone is getting really pissy and grumpy and negative in front of me, I just think of the fun words cascarrabias, and it puts me in a better mood!
I also love the various words for getting a smacked down here. One fun one I heard was, “ohhh, le dio un sandwichAZO,” which is when throws or hits you with food but can also be with the hand. It can also just mean giant sandwich. This was when we were watching that ad for the headache medicine when the woman gets smacked with a giant cake. Or when you get hit with the soccer ball, “¡ohhh, qué pelotazo!” Also there is una patada (a kick), una piña (a punch), un tortazo (a smackdown with the hand), biaba (getting punched and kicked a lot, beat up), golpiza (same as biaba), patadón, pegar cocitos, cachetazos (slap in the face). There are thousands of ways to say it in Argentina, and I love the particular Argentines emphasize it, whether they are watching boxeo or soccer or recounting some crazy story! It always cracks me up!
I also love the various words for getting a smacked down here. One fun one I heard was, “ohhh, le dio un sandwichAZO,” which is when throws or hits you with food but can also be with the hand. It can also just mean giant sandwich. This was when we were watching that ad for the headache medicine when the woman gets smacked with a giant cake. Or when you get hit with the soccer ball, “¡ohhh, qué pelotazo!” Also there is una patada (a kick), una piña (a punch), un tortazo (a smackdown with the hand), biaba (getting punched and kicked a lot, beat up), golpiza (same as biaba), patadón, pegar cocitos, cachetazos (slap in the face). There are thousands of ways to say it in Argentina, and I love the particular Argentines emphasize it, whether they are watching boxeo or soccer or recounting some crazy story! It always cracks me up!