World Justice Project--La Nacion--Corruption, Etc

Por favor, te parece q no podemos entender? Dejate de joder.

No es que no entiendan.... es que tenemos visiones muy distintas, posiciones muy distintas. Yo he trabajado en politica y he estudiado la historia de este pais, y mucho, he leido mucho al respecto. Fueron años de estudio lo que me llevo a tomar esta posicion que ustedes ven conspirativa y paranoide. Ojala aparezca el post donde sucintamente explico un poco mi razonar.

Cordiales saludos.-
There is conspiracy but in this case is local and clear: farmers. Nobody hides it.
For me the credibility of the article really is about the credibility of the World Justice Project----not the US embassy in BA or even the US government. Now if the US government is funding the World Justice Project who did this study, well, that is another matter. Consider the source!
Sure, the US government, CIA, FBI and the Salvation Army paid the World Justice Project to give the US a goooooooooooood position - a lousy no. 17. Get real.
You are talking from personal experience or it is just another expresión of wishes?

No, my lawyer friend is frustrated because she wins all sorts of cases against the state, but they aren't paying up. Because there's no money.
Finalmente, apareció mi post!!!

Pagina 2.

(dont know why I still write in spanish)