el_expatriado said:
If you go into this job with the awareness that your $18,000 peso salary is worth about 1750 GBP, you'll be just fine.
Exactly. Just as long as you know that it's only 1,750 GBP right now (and could drastically change in the short/long term) and you are comfortable with it.
There is some good advice on this thread. Just go into the move with your eye wide open.
You mentioned that your kids are younger. I agree this will be easier now before they started school and developed friendships with other kids. It's easier uprooting kids when they are that young. But once they start school (even Kindergarten) it's more difficult to make big moves like this.
None of us can factor in how much this could help your career. Just out of curiosity, how would this help your career? Is it because no one else in your company would take this move? Just ask yourself the important questions like what the odds of you getting ahead in your job if you took it?
Also, compare how much you are currently making. No offense but £1,750 with 2 kids is NOTHING to write home about. Even with rent covered, I'd consider that a very tiny amount. No way I could survive on that with my two kids.
You mentioned traveling around in South America. That isn't a big salary to travel around in South America with a family of 4. Traveling within South America is NOTHING like traveling around in Europe on super discount airlines like Ryan Air or Easyjet. It's quite expensive here.
So you probably need to ask yourself how much of this is you wanting an adventure and exploring South America and how much of this is actually the possibility of you getting ahead with your job. The key is just be honest with yourself.
Also, what does your spouse think about your plans and this move? Typically in a huge move like this it's always tougher on the spouse. Is she on board with this move and does she know the realistic situation of Argentina right now? You have to honestly answer those kinds of questions before you even think about a big move like this.
And someone else brings up a good point about how many times do you plan to go back to the UK for holidays? I'd assume at least once a year to visit family/grandparents, etc.
Because I have two young kids and just a simple flight back to Europe with 4 can be over $6,000 US dollars in coach class. So I'd also see how much of savings you have built up.
Just go into the possible move with as much information as possible and stay realistic. I'd also recommend making a pro/con list for staying and moving.
From the outside looking in, it sounds more like you are looking for an adventure vs. doing it for a possible career advancement. And that is still ok as long as you're being honest with yourself about it.
bugsbunny said:
Interestingly I asked at our local Post Office whether they accepted Pesos. They said no problems at the going rate. So can you take Pesos out of the country?
Absolutely this will NOT be true. Despite what any post office or bank abroad might tell you when you inquire, it's just not true that you will get the official rate. No way. I've heard this from other people that swore on them and I told them it's impossible and sure enough when they went to actually try to do the exchange they were told it's not possible.
What post office is this where you were told you'd get the official rate. I'm quite sure with certainty there is no way you will be able to exchange at the official rate so definitely that isn't true. Go back and try to actually exchange and see what they say.