You Know You're In Argentina When.....

45. When they are all dressed very chic and look like they r going somewhere.

Repeated my self here ... important ... will b on the test.
46. When members of the opposite sex look u up and down. Innocently and naturally trying hard to size u up.

p.s.: Back home if u get anything, it would b "the dirty old man look" .. "la mirada sucia" .. complete devastation .. utter humiliation.
73b. You know a car is for sale because it has a plastic bottle on its roof.
74. When you are invited to a birthday party in a bar or restaurant and find out that you are expected to pay a share of the bill, which nobody told you in advance.

That was my first shocking experience here hehehehe...
75. You know you are in Argentina : when your taxi driver's cologne is suffocating, and the English music/songs
he plays is cheesy, and your driver feels like he drives like a superman.

76. You know you are back to Argetina when the taxi faire is doubled from the last time you visisted BA 9 months ago,
and no one is suprised.