... I would assume had you accepted the position in Orlando rather than BA, that your annual salary would have been higher than $22K - $30K a year... so in essence your employer is benefitting from a cost perspective by paying you locally in Pesos.
LOL. Quite a bit more, actually. It was a very steep salary adjustment. My terms with him were simple - "I need to have the same standard of living". He said I would, but his figures of how much rent cost, etc were conveniently quite lower than reality and I had not much of an idea myself. I really, really hope I don't offend anyone by writing this, and I am doing so in good humor with no intention of offending, I laugh at stereotypes myself because everyone is some stereotype, but I am respectful of all cultures, regardless - but I will point out that my boss' last name ends in 'tsky' and he is Argentinean (if you get what I mean


He knew I really wanted to leave the US and move to Argentina (among my other choices), so he had a huge advantage there going in to the negotiation. I was offended to a certain point so I arrived somewhat angry to Argentina and that changed my attitude in many ways and inhibited me from enjoying anything, I was pretty resentful of the entire situation. Over time I've become happier and it's changed a lot of things. Hindsight 20/20, indeed.
Let's just say I was very naive going in. I am in a better negotiating position now, but he's a difficult guy. The adjustment was my main concern coming here. Great advice from you, as I didn't look at it all in that manner.
Money concerns aside (it really isn't everything), I really appreciate all the advice I've gotten here, and have enjoyed reading everyone's comments. It's really been helpful and I've actually changed some attitudes over the course of the week based on this thread. I've started actually using my lunch break and going for walks during the workday to relieve the stress, and generally over-working myself less. In the end, if I don't enjoy anything, I'll end up being less productive and successful anyway. When I arrived, I worked crazy hours and even weekends, and didn't take any time for myself at all (basically didn't take care of myself, really).
I've started looking into starting my own thing, as I've had a few things in my head for a couple of years, but maybe now is the time to brave it - and maybe this is the right place. It really seems to be the way the world spins here. We'll see.
I'm always open to advice and tips, so thanks to everyone who's reached out via PM etc. Anyone reading this in my position, feel free to reach out as well, It's been a roller coaster ride since I got here so I have a lot of advice to share as well.
Thanks, all!