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  1. M

    Inflation woes: A can of tuna now costs 4500

    It looks like a fortune, since average Argentinian is earning at least 20x less than average US worker. The price you stated, you would pay in most places in Spain...
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    Milei's in charge !!!…Wow !!!

    Can't see anything awesome yet, just misery for now. Might get better, but I'm not opening champagne just yet...
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    Inflation woes: A can of tuna now costs 4500

    Wait, like one red pepper was more than 2k? I'm glad we reached Swiss standard, at least with prices.
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    Dólar Blue Predictions

    I don't think it will regain former ratio, because purchase power of people buying dolars will continue to lower. As much I'm doubtful of milei activities, he might keep it low for some time. And I for one hope he succeeds, even if I'll be a bit screwed in the process...
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    Prison or bullet: new government promises harsh response to protest

    I say no too, but the fact was, they've got electricity back after closing the road. It was in 2014, so a lot changed since then and I wouldn't say it was used in any political way. There was kristina seating on the top back then.. Obviously we would all like issues solved in civil manner, but...
  6. M

    Prison or bullet: new government promises harsh response to protest

    Had the same idea, when working in capital federal, but then I met people without electricity for a month and other funny things, heard of much worse injustices and it seems the only resource some people have in this country. Imagine you being in a tenth floor without elevator, water, fridge...
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    Dólar Blue Predictions

    This is, if everyone can buy as many dolars as they wish (have pesos for). As soon as big part of the society has to turn to black market for foreign currency, you have a gap. And is worse if government will try to breach that gap again and again, because dólar blue is not real value of peso, is...
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    How Javier Milei Could Change Argentina

    It's a circle you cannot easily break. Only well off people actually voted for his policies, the others were or too ignorant to grasp what he is saying, or too desperate to care. I can't see major changes without getting too bad in less than 10 years. There is a reason why Argentina has always...
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    Selling Property

    We had support of escribana, family friend. Without is possible, but you are in constant doubt if all is OK. Especially if you are handling things with incompetent buyer/agent, which is usual here. If you decide for agent, get really food one. I was dealing with some and all were less...
  10. M

    Customs At Eze Getting Tough

    There has to be some change, since my girlfriend was for first time asked some questions about what she is transporting. Now it was one old monitor, but they checked it. Never happened to us before, so maybe it's good to consider this for the future.
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    Apartment Expenses For Worn Out Blind

    Strange talk here. How can you expect something the same after 3 years of use? What's the point to rent furnished apart, if you have to buy everything new again after you leave? Of course, if it's destroyed by improper use is different, but this has to be proven by landlord. I heard quite a...
  12. M

    Euros To Dollars?....possible?

    Last time I was checking, they enabled official change between usd and euros. Also bcra is reporting daily exchange rates. I never tried, but they explicitly stated this on their website. I'm not sure how much you lose or gain, but is worth to check. Foreigner can maybe do this without hassle...
  13. M

    B.a.street Rage '16.

    Pedestrians involve, where isn't much danger of a gun. I involved myself in my country, where guns are almost nonexistent, and people who own them know, where to use them. Last time I witnessed motochorros in action I aptly hide myself behind the parked truck and watched some poor bastards...
  14. M

    Robbed In Epuyen, Theives Caught Then Released, Even Though

    All the justice system in Argentina is a joke. Molesting law abiding citizens yes, but never big criminals. And if yes, they have a right to communicate from the cell!! Can you imagine that? He can influence and threat from a cell, it's surreal...
  15. M

    Getting Us Dollars Out Of Ar

    Things are changing every month now and for a bit better. Problem is, that no one gives you final answer, so you never know if and how exactly you have to do it, to be 100% successful. At least this part to change in pesos I think is out, but might be hard for foreigners. To get money in for...
  16. M

    Drinking Tap Water

    Friend from aysa explained me, that if all is in regulation and water comes from river, there isn't a problem. But in smaller cities in provincia the water has arsenic inside (it's in the soil, not artificial) and due to the farming also other contaminants. There are reports of higher cancer...
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    Drinking Tap Water

    I'm drinking only bottled water, because of the taste, but more importantly because I see how they are handling water in the building. Although it's new building, access to the tanks and pumps is unrestricted, anyone can open it and sometimes it is open... Otherwise the water is good, I just...
  18. M

    Lazaro Baez Arrested, Perez Gadin Arrested... Who's Next ?

    Dólars were so heavy he had to leave some on the airport. You can't really expect that after that they will bother him with technicalities...
  19. M

    Getting Us Dollars Out Of Ar

    I know about official way, others could tell about alternatives. Are you Argentine? Do you have bank account here (also caja ahorro dolares)? Are you the only owner? If all this yes, then you can put dollars directly on dolar account, go to central office of your bank with escritura and send...
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    New Electric Bill Arrived: And The Total Is....

    I never understood this discrimination of interior. You are obviously using electricity in similar way as me, and I pay 100 pesos, you 28x more. And not many people seem to see that weird here...