Search results

  1. G

    Life in Buenos Aires with young children

    Hello All! Hoping to get in touch with some expats or mixed couples who live (or have lived) in Buenos Aires with younger children. My wife (Arg) and I (USA) are debating whether or not to move back down for a year or two to be closer to her family for a while. We have a 5.5 year old boy and a...
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    Buying shirts in BA - Where?

    ummm. Falabella is pretty similar to TJ Maxx. Maybe not price wise, but in the types of products that it carries.
  3. G

    Living in Palermo - where is the closest, cleanest swimming pool to take my 5 month old twins?

    They definitely have daily rates - my in-laws will often bring their grandchildren there for a day out!
  4. G

    Business Consultants

    If you are looking for an Argentine with a very strong grasp of running a business in Argentina and all that this entails, my brother-in-law might be a good contact. I think it would be at least be worthwhile to meet up with him and chat!
  5. G

    US Migrant Visa for Argentine

    Just spoke to my brother - it took them ~ 10 months to get everything done for his mother-in-law (who is from Turkey). 2 - 3 months to get paperwork together and get biometrics done + 7 months of actual processing. I would recommend to check out Visa Journey - I believe they have an average...
  6. G

    US Migrant Visa for Argentine

    I would directly rule out option 2, as this process will take at least 1 year - so you will have to move to the US (presumably with your Son) and be apart from boyfriend for certain amount of time - unless he already has a US visitor visa... For a concrete example, when we moved back to the...
  7. G

    Travel Requirements With Non-Argentine Children...

    Just to follow-up to my concern above, the border agents did NOT request anything but our son's Passport when we crossed the border. If we were travelling internally, I would imagine all they would ask for would be the passport to check that his tourist stamp is still valid. Not sure about...
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    Travel Requirements With Non-Argentine Children...

    Thanks! Sounds like from the comments we should be good since our son is a tourist/US Citizen Only!
  9. G

    Travel Requirements With Non-Argentine Children...

    Ben - thanks so much for going to such lengths to get an answer for us! I owe you a beer (or wine, your choice)! EDIT: I just realized I sold you a TV when I moved out of the country 3.5 years ago! Hope it is still going strong/did my wife ever get you the remote?
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    Travel Requirements With Non-Argentine Children...

    Everyone is travelling together. Unfortunately we forgot his birth certificate at our place in Minnesota! Do we need to get the birth certificate apostilled and sent to us?
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    Travel Requirements With Non-Argentine Children...

    Hopefully someone here as some information. We arrived last week for a month visit with my wife's family (Argentine) so they could meet our newborn son! We are looking at possibly travelling to Uruguay this coming weekend, and of course, will be leaving the country to return to the USA at the...
  12. G

    Student Visa For Arg Wife

    I should also mention that we applied while we were both living in Argentina. After having been married & lived together for 3 + years. It was very easy for us to prove a "genuine" relationship at all stages of the process, which ensured the process was not delayed at all. It is not a matter of...
  13. G

    Student Visa For Arg Wife

    Your wife (or fiance, if you go that route) will need a sponsor with yearly income of 125 % of the Poverty Line - Just read up, the information is all out there. The IR-1/CR-1 process currently takes between 9-12 months, and is...
  14. G

    Fedex Vs Ups Vs Dhl, Recent Experiences With Documents.

    Hello all! I wanted to submit this query to the forum for some input. We all know things change often and without notice in Argentina so want to know what experiences people have had in the last 3-4 months. The question is: What provider currently does the best delivering mail from the US to...
  15. G

    Getting A Us Turist Visa For The Girlfriend

    This is REALLY BAD advice. Do not ever lie to a Immigration Officer - these would be ground to being blacklisted forever. When my now-wife first came to visit me in the US, we had only been dating 4-5 months. She presented her documents, her proof of work, a letter from me and my mother inviting...
  16. G

    So I Tried To Get A Dni...

    The Argentine DNI & Residency process is actually much less convoluted then the process of getting, say, residency and social security card in the US. You just have to qualify, and get the right paperwork together. Once I got married, it took one trip to the Immigrations office and 2 months...
  17. G

    2 New Gringos To Arg.

    Since she points out that she will be in "POSADAS", she might only be planning on 2 days in Iguazu - Missiones has much more to see than Iguazu falls.
  18. G

    Dill, Where To Find Some

    Haha - Dieteticas will know what Eneldo is, but most do not carry it. You are going to have to resort to Mercado Libre for searches - or possibly the Mercado Modelo in Belgrano. It is not a common spice for Argentines to use!
  19. G

    Moving Sale! Electronics, Camping Stuff & Books

    Hello BAExpats. After 4 + years, my wife & I have decided to move on to try out life in the United States - so we are selling everything we have. There are photos available here. There are still some items we need to take pictures of! We will try to get that done ASAP! Lots of stuff has...
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    Salary Info

    You can probably request at least AR$40.000 a month since you have 10 years of experience in the sector. Consulting gigs pay upwards of AR$15.000 - 20.000 a month for Junior Consultants, so 40.000 really isnt a ridiculous number for someone with lots of experience.