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  1. E

    Latest on visa overstays?

    Hi folks, it's been a couple of years since I've posted here. I hope no one holds that against me now that I'm asking for something :) I have a friend who is here trying to start a business but he doesn't have a DNI yet. He has overstayed his tourist visa by a couple of months. It's been 16-17...
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    Anyone use Telecentro?

    And if so, what do you think of it for internet and TV service and in which barrio are you located? Seems like shortly after Personal acquired Fibertel and the other company (what we had in our apartment last, can't remember the name!), the internet service seems to have drastically slipped...
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    Cristina To Pay Back Some Money Taken From The State

    OK - not, perhaps, as juicy as you would like to hear, but the title is true, as far as it goes. Seems Cristina has been receiving a pension for both being the widow of an ex-president, and as...
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    Cheaper Computers Coming?

    I was browsing BubbleAR and came across this article, published a couple of days ago: http://www.thebubble...puters-in-2017/ According to the article, the government is going to abolish the 35% tax on computer products imported to Argentina. According to the first part of the first paragraph...
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    The Arrogance Of The Corrupt

    I was reading an interesting article in La Nacion about the three escaped convicts and the two cops that got nailed for being recorded talking to people on the phone about what was going on with their flight. Leonardo Juliàn, who is the commissioner (or commissar, or deputy, or whatever the...
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    Dealing With Disaster

    Well, I guess it happens to a lot of people and we're not immune. We had a fire in our apartment Tuesday around 3:00 AM. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. I had the worst injuries, three burned finger tips and a slightly burned bottom of my foot, all 1st degree burns and treated and...
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    What Are "sheeple", Exactly?

    Forgive the length, if you don't find it interesting, simply move on to something else :D Today, while I was luxuriating in a hot bath in a large bathtub (though quite old, the layer of paint the owners used to make it look acceptable visually before we rented are peeling quite nicely...
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    Experience Running A Verduleria?

    I haven't heard anyone mention being in this business here, but I figured I'd throw this out there. First, I'll ask but I know it's probably fruitless to do so: I don't need to hear about how hard starting a business is in Argentina and all the generic issues that go along with it. I've been...
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    Argentina And A New "colonial Devil"?

    I have less and less time to keep up with international events these days. Aside from a huge work burden, a family life and too much time spent on this forum some days, I just catch bits and pieces here and there anymore. I saw an article on the front page again that piqued my curiosity and I...
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    The Riddle Of Argentina Discussed

    I was looking on the front page again for something interesting to read and saw this article posted there: The conclusion of the author's article about Argentina's fall from being one of the richest, "developed" countries in 1900...
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    Argentine Cinema Subsidies

    I was browsing the home page of the forum, looking at the Daily URL list a bit ago. I saw this link: from last week and took a look. The article reminded me of something I'd realized but never...
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    Is Argentina's Economy "unstopable" Or "growing And Growing"

    I created this thread as a response to Matias in another thread, instead of hijacking that thread further. Matias, I wasn't trying to give you a hard time about your English - you do a fine job, I'm sure better than I do in Spanish, at least written. I've never heard you speak, but I can...
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    Pani And Desserts

    I don't get a chance to say good things about food here in Buenos Aires very often. Though I'm sure a lot of people probably know about them, I'm going to start a whole thread about Pani, in particular their desserts. I've only had their desserts, but I've heard good things about their food...
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    Can't Even Enjoy A Movie...

    I'm sure we've all been held up by protestors here and there over the years here, blocking intersections and such, causing nuisances and in some cases real problems. Myself, I've been caught in enough while driving in the city, for sure. I've also been lucky enough to get caught in the...
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    Use Student Work Exchange

    Has anybody had experience with this outfit, or know anyone who has? They are a company that recruits foreign students (specifically) to work in the US for seasonal work, at places like ski resorts, during US wintertime. Looks like a professional outfit and I've seen some comments about them...
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    Weird Culinary Experiences

    I just had one of the strangest experiences I can remember and figured I'd share it. Maybe someone else has had weird stuff happen to them. Sorry if there was already a thread for this... My sister-in-law just had a wisdom tooth pulled. She's in pain, jaw swollen, the usual. She was dying...
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    Mudanzas Capri

    After fours years in the same place, we made a move to a new apartment today. I've been dreading this day for awhile now, and it was a near fight with myself to not just accept paying more and living in a place that was getting too small, just to avoid the hassle and time it would take me from...
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    Two Apartment Cleaners Offering Services

    I have two people whom I know personally, and have known for a long time, who are looking to expand their business of cleaning apartments. These two are extremely trust-worthy and do a great job. One lives around Micro Centro and the other around Parque Patricios. Both are willing to work...
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    Buying A New Car

    I thought I might share this with the forum. My wife has received a number of text messages from various car manufacturers offering "0 km" cars at great deals - things like only $500 pesos a month payments, etc. I had a fuzzy knowledge about how car buying worked here, tried to convince her...
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    Bus Robbery

    We just got news tonight that one of my brothers-in-law was on a bus near Caseros and Entre Rios on his way home from work this evening when six guys got on the bus together and proceeded to rob the occupants. They took everything everyone had and shot two guys when they tried to resist. Poor...