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  1. M

    New 50 Peso Note

    beautiful ? I thinks its hedious. A stupid and useless thing, just as everything coming from this criminal government.
  2. M

    Silentdemonstration For Nisman Case Feb.18

    No, your delusional corrupt queen and followers think so. 10 años tirados a la basura por esta mafia saqueadora. forros
  3. M

    Nisman Dead!

    Flaco, ¿ por qué no te callás ? ya casi das pena. Y mucha verguenza. ¿ No te das cuenta de que en un año no te vas a animar a decir que eras kirchnerista ? Son boleta, no existen mas. resignate. el verso se acabo, tiraron demasiado de la cuerda, se afanaron todo. La única que les faltaba era...
  4. M

    Nisman Dead!

    Me encanta como en este país cualquier chichipio se hace llamar Dr. No hace falta más que ver a la bestia (perdón.., Doctora) que nos gobierna sin siquiera haber terminado la secundaria.
  5. M

    Is Mayor Macri Improving The Lives Of Porteños?

    Yes. And no doubt he could do a lot more without fascist cristina trying to boicot each single project.
  6. M

    What's happening to this country?

    I totally agree, it's not the government's. They get voted and happily steal as much as they can and do nothing. It's the idiotic people who vote for them, it's their fault. Brains like marcsoc. Take a look, the only thing he has to say to me is "fascist".
  7. M

    What's happening to this country?

    "fascist Merc" That's all you brainless idiots have ? That's the "modelo", there you go. What a brilliant future. I would prefer my portero to be president instead of that stupid woman. He's at least a human being. Chau inepto. disfrutalo mientras te dure.
  8. M

    What's happening to this country?

    Look, yes I'm an Argentine. I've lived that period as a young boy, my parents and grandparents lived in this country since the 19th century. So honestly your opinion relally doesn't count much for me. Also, at that time that you mentioned, being a relative to a police, a militar a politician...
  9. M

    What's happening to this country?

    I would set on fire Kirchner houses and hotels, believe me. And there lots who would also do it. But most are just sedated for some reason. I'm a local and I can't understand it either. That might be the reason, indifference and resignation. "Y bue.., ¿ que le vas a hacer ?" most actually...
  10. M

    Train accident in Once (linea Sarmiento) 340 wounded

    We should start producing bullets before that.
  11. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    That's right cuore, did you notice they don't even mention the guerrilla ? Militares just kicked in and started killing innocent people on the streets. That's more or less how this pro guerrilla governemnt and it's followers distort history. Most people really now but just don't want to dig...
  12. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    No, my friend. Our time, and I'm talking about people who don't forget about the real story, is just about to begin. Me in prison ? I was a kid then and I've always been a working an honest person. Not like all of these people who are now or were part of this government. All of them involved...
  13. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    Fabe, I would really like to hear people like him also complaining about the deaths and atrocities from montoneros, erp, etc. Their victims didn't have any human rights ? I don't know, maybe they were not humans ? They would care about those innocent people if their position wasn't a pose...
  14. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    That's touchy, but as always you forgot to mention all those cutted in pieces or toasted by terrorists bombs or gun machines. Do you really want to know the truth or just want to keep with touchy half of the story speeches ? This is the good all those young idealists and freedom lovers did...
  15. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    Yes, they care more about what happened 35 years ago. But this is no compensation. They couldn't care less about human rights, etc. just their rights. What you just said is the proof. They were defeated then and now it's time for revenge, that's what this is all about. They failed turning...
  16. M

    Soldiers who should face a firing squad before they die of natural causes

    Ah, con razón. Ahora entiendo porque no parás de decir tantas estupideces. Sos un zurdito revolucionario pro guerrilla y bien Argentino. A vos te importan mucho los derechos humanos que te vienen bien. Los asesinatos de gente inocente de mano de la guerilla para vos fueron actos heroicos. ¿ No...
  17. M

    What the hell is a "North American"?

    We don't care about your obviousness perceptions. Be descent enough to drop your anti Catholic comments while being here, this is not "north america".
  18. M

    What the hell is a "North American"?

    Great. If you have any respect for anything I will ask you to stop before saying anything about catholicism. It's amazing how easily people in your country dare to open their mouths about the holly roman church. Just becasue you can. Do you really want to trash my religion ? really ? what...
  19. M

    What the hell is a "North American"?

    ¿ Vos sos Argentina ? Disculpame, pero honestamente no da para que digas todo esto. El tema me parece una pavada absoluta y no da para tanto, pero con tu actitud le estás dando la razón al que hizo el post original. Estadounidense, Norteamericano, Americano. Es exactamente lo mismo. El que...
  20. M

    What the hell is a "North American"?

    To be honest I don't get pissed about US people being called "americans". And neither do many of those using "estadounidense" and "norteamericano". for those people, including me, these words are just more accurate or specific. I can't understand why you find it so offensive. It's a different...