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    Most saddest thread ever (trigger warning)

    I came to Argentina 6 months ago because my wife and infant daughter died intending to drink a bottle of vodka a day until it was over Amy Winehouse style 6 months later I am still alive but I gained 50 pounds I came here with 2 pairs of jeans, one stopped fitting me about 20 pounds ago. The...
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    We need to reflect

    He's the democratically elected President. And polls show if the election were repeated today he would get a bigger majority than last time. This is the will of the people. So not sure exactly what you are hoping for here, a small group of quasi communists and foreigners to overthrow the...
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    Remembering our real heroes

    During the pandemic the state functioned with about 30 % of current workers actually working. That's about what my Argentine friends would like to see the state employees cut down to. Right now Milei has gotten rid of around 20k state workers who weren't actually working but that's just a start
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    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    I walk from Almagro to my office in the centro and back every day usually I end up around 18k steps
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    Remembering our real heroes

    They aren't really workers, many thousands of those fired hadn't turned up to their jobs in over 3 months and before that they weren't doing much
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    No money down mortgages coming back in the US

    If I put down a 20 % deposit can I get a USA mortgage with no citizenship or proof of job in the USA
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    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    The thing about doomers is they are never wrong, they just change the date If Argentine society hasn't collapsed by this time next year the posts will be "After a year and a half of Milei society is finally at breaking point, the brave people have held on for 18 months but now they are starving...
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    At the Milei show, pressure is building backstage

    Nice. They are interested in investing in Argentina. Unlike Kristina who meets 12 billionaires a year to discuss how much of Argentinas natural resources they'd like in return for their trust buying her family trust another international penthouse apartment
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    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    What would success look like for Milei haters? Almost every category of food from beef to fried chicken is significantly cheaper here than the rest of the world OK, I admit, rice is slightly more dear. (20 cents per kilo) and Thai food is expensive. So are we just a cheap Pad Thai away from...
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    How did people in "society of nieve" lose weight so fast?

    What it comes down to is that you cannot, under any circumstances, lose 1kg a day for months on end. Not even in the holocaust. But this is what we are supposed to believe. Losing 1 pound per day ......... highly unlikely, almost impossible, but ehh ok. 1kg per day for 60 days?? IMPOSSIBLE
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    How did people in "society of nieve" lose weight so fast?

    So they were stuck in the Andes for 60 days. In that time some healthy rugby players weighing 80 to 90 kgs apparently went down to 30 kgs then died of starvation. EG they lost 1kg per day. Or 65 pounds in a month Wtf. ?? I was a personal trainer who sometimes gave extremely obese and rich...
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    I'm in Argentina with tourist visa!

    "Inversion mínimo de $ 1.500.000" Am I reading this wrong or is it literally 1.5 million pesos about $1200 USD ? Or is it 1.5 million USD ?
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    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    The two double jnr whopper special at Burger King has gone from 3k six months ago, to 6k, and now 9k. Unbelievable. Even earning dollars I'm no way paying that. But all the fast food places are still packed. How high can fast food prices go before demand drops off
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    What happens after USD $12,000?

    This visa would be so perfect for me could you give me more details how you apply for it and what you have to do like I'm a 5 year old child
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    Food prices are amongst the highest of the planet

    Not "all." Two kgs of great quality steaks at my local butcher is $25 AUD In Australia the equivalent is over $30 for ONE kg at the supermarket, or $40+ at a proper butcher. So double or triple the price. Agree that most things other than beef are around the same price