
If now you feel you made a huge mistake, just think that a lot of people of the Opus Dei (extrem right catholic), also were there with a sign of "I' m Nisman":

Nisman was being used to discredit the government and all the evidence so far seems to suggest it was suicide.

I don't think so. Anyone who knows anything about suicide knows not to shoot them self in the side of the head. You shoot yourself through the back of the mouth to make sure you're killed instantly and don't spend the rest of your life as a vegetable. It is the same reason professional assassinations are shots to the base of the brain, through the brain stem to make 100% sure of death. And, those who do shoot themselves in the side of the head shoot the temple. Nisman was shot over and behind the ear. That is not something one would do.
The signs says:
1)"Dr. Nisman illustrius patriot, example of moral and courage. We pray you rest in peace".
2) "Stop lying, I m Nisman"
3) "They knocked out the man, but not the ideas"


The girls with the toys looks like a pretty standard porteña Bachelorette party. Any given night in palermo hollywood you'll see at least 1-2. They almost always have the antennae things and lots of penis shaped paraphernalia. Is there any reason to think Nisman didn't just happen to be in the same place as these girls?
Right, silly me, just coincidence.

However, I think that the owner of the first sign perhaps changed his mind about Nisman. Illustrius patriot? Example of morality? Courage?

Right, silly me, just coincidence.

Might be, it wouldn't even be that rare of a coincidence. I think I have a similar photo laying around somewhere. Not to mention my sister in law's bachelorette party featured similarly dressed girls, I'll have to check the photo album to see if they posed with any random strangers.
Might be, it wouldn't even be that rare of a coincidence. I think I have a similar photo laying around somewhere. Not to mention my sister in law's bachelorette party featured similarly dressed girls, I'll have to check the photo album to see if they posed with any random strangers.

And do you have more random pictures with "models"?

I ask because The "manager" of the models who used to meet Nisman has a criminal case in Uruguay for being the leader of a VIP prostitution organization:


The article doesn't say he paid for sex, but it asserts that he spent a lot of money with on the girls like travelling to Cancun.
Isn't it possible this was photo shopped? I could even have done that...
His sexual escapades aside, Nisman had Lagomarsino deposit half of his (Lagomarsino's) salary into another bank account, which essentially amounts to theft of public funds -- funds specifically set aside to bring those who attacked the AMIA to justice. It's also corruption.

Siguen siendo Nisman, chicos?¿