By the same token, those who marched today for verdad, memoria y justicia are idiots as well... because as far as I know, not all of those desaparecidos were angels. I would not be proud of having a 19 year old pregnant daughter planting bombs or cooperating with terrorists, would you?
Entonces, que hacemos? See how easy it is to ruin a post and throw chicanas? I have learned quite a bit.![]()
I feel, without minimilizing the death of Nisman, that most went to show their indignation about the constant corruption, lies and general disgust with the Argentina of today! Does it do any good? For those who attend and participate, yes! for the changes , sad to say, I think not much but that doesn't change my firm belief in participating in such events!
Who said that Nisman deserved to die because he was corrupt? If some of the desaparecidos were guilty of planting bombs or coordinating terrorist activities, they should have been brought before a judge, tried, and served a prison sentence. If there is anything to march against today, it is extrajudicial killings.
We know that many innocent people were kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the military dictatorship. One cable sent from US Embassy Buenos Aires details at least one case: http://nsarchive.gwu...Doc4 761004.pdf
I think everyone wants to know who killed Nisman, or how he really died. Clearly, there are serious questions about his death. However, he is not a hero, and isn't any better than the corrupt government officials tied to the CFK government. Indeed, beyond taking unauthorized vacations to Cancun and Europe, he stole at least $20,000 ARS in public funds on a monthly basis. Entonces, seguís siendo Nisman?¿
I never said I was. I just felt the need to express condolences. You know what happened afterwards. Saludos
because as far as I know, not all of those desaparecidos were angels. I would not be proud of having a 19 year old pregnant daughter planting bombs or cooperating with terrorists,
I sense quite a bunch of sexual frustration in this thread - some people should enjoy the B.A. bar scene more...![]()
Fein is having a tough time getting Nisman's mother and sister in to testify about the bank accounts and safety deposit box. Mom and Sis pleading hypertension and panic attacks. Make of it what you will.