to my point exactly of a former post of mine.....Does anyone know where to buy pasturized or raw milk in Buenos Aires? I do. Cottage cheese is so easy to make, as is great mozarella just can't be made with ultrapasturized milk........Quit complaining! I make tofu at least once a week for a few pesos (soy beans are 3 pesos el kilo) and have great asian food, buy Molbo milk at Coto for 2.47 pesos (richest milk here) make the best icecream (made with real cream and real eggs) for 14 pesos el kilo. The Recoletans and Pallermoineos would never survive in an emergency, unless they had servants to wipe their to another post about Morton Quick Tender Salt, I found a chemist in my neighbourhood that has sodium nitrite and and sodium nitrate. He measured out exactly 6 1/2 grams and charged me 4 pesos......Have more hard salami and pepperoni (20 kilos) on it's way........Pizza with peperoni and non Argentine mozarella......Fresh grilled Italian sausage sandwiches with roasted peppers and onions, sweet and sour here is of what you make it. yum yum.....Now all of you go to the restaurant, don't enjoy your food, complain about how bad the quality was and how the service was awful, how expensive it was and how you have to watch your money because you live on only 4 times the money as most Argentines earn, and you can't get these people to speak to you in English!