6 Nations Rugby

Great stuff Cuchulain! Fair play, we'll be there for sure, thanks for finding it!
Are you absolutely sure that they have ESPN HD - Its a long way to travel if they are only showing it on ESPN + three hours later - Sorry to be a nerd, but I am coming from outside teh Capital
I had emailed another pub "casabar" and the US owner just replied :

We have the ability to show the game live with the commentary in English, but unfortunately as this time of year with much of our staff on vacation we do not open until well after the game has finished. I recommend the Alamo/Shoeless Joes ( 1175 Uruguay ) for several reasons - 1 They open at 4pm and it would not be a problem for them to open earlier. 2. They have ESPN HD as well as all the other mediums to broadcast International sporting events live as we do. 3. One of the Owners is of Irish decent as I am ( though 100% American ) and we would surely broadcast the event if for nothing more than out of respect to our Mothers ( County Claire ).

If you like I can call them since we are good friends, but I am quite certain that they would show this match for you if you speak with them tonight.


So, Alamo opens at 4pm, has ESPN HD for sure but the US owner is of Irish descent !
I have to go out now, maybe can someone call tonight Alamo Shoeless Joe's and ask the owner if he would consider opening the bar earlier ?

Well that's just in case the other places don't have Espn HD.
I don't mind where to go, it's just to know where to meet since it's more fun.
Cuchulain said:
We have found a pub in Belgrano R called Downtown Matias, Echeverria 3195 (http://www.matiaspub.com.ar/v01/). We spoke to the Manger, Hernan, who says they have ESBN and they will be showing it. It is a very nice pub in a nice location

I will be heading there, is anyone else interested?

Cuchulain - this is right around the corner from us so its not a big deal - but I guess that the concern of others is that did the manager say he was showing it at 1.30 or 4PM?
Just called Matias - They don't think they have digital and asked us to call again tomorrow moening to check what time they will show it - Doesn't sound as promising - CRAP CRAP CRAP
A definite Venue now - The Alamo on Uruguay is opening early especially for us Rugby Fans - at 12.30 - I have posted another thread just to ensure that people see it -

Given the pencahnt for ESPN to switch the Big Games to HD, if we get a good turn out then they will be accomodating for future games in teh same way - So lets make a show :)

Come on Ireland.....
oh I just checked with the Merval owners who told me it will be shown at 4 - sorry I hadn't seen those previous posts. I'll be watching it there anyway (and I'm not French)
I can confirm the Downtown Matias is NOT an option. Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry as well to Michael O who amidst the frantic scramble, quietly suggested the Sugar Bar. We now have this option and as Liam says the Alamo is a sure bet. I will be at the Alamo, there must be a rugby metaphor in that...