A Serious Thread About Food In Argentina

It's mean to tease us with all the access he has to great variety of food when we're stuck down here with empanadas and milanesas. I truly hope he's enjoying the great NYC food.
Variety?most of the ethnic food you seemto like is garbage.Good food is only euroepan.
You dont like milanesas?please,dont go to austria,never.
I don't know about Argentinians and South Americans about drinks, but I have noticed that there are many many youngsters with bad teeth or missing teeth, even the frontal ones. I think this is a result of bad eating, rather than a lack of personal hygiene.

I also noticed that here often people don't mind sharing fork/spoon or the bottle/bombilla which I find horrendous. I still remember the ads on the NY subway warning about mother-to-son dental decay.
Weshared a lot in the army,canteens and so forth,and nothing happened,people here share a bombilla and never suffer from diseases,frankly the pathetic fanaticism with cleanliness is laughable.
9 pages and this thread went from being serious to being hijacked into a quarrel, based on nationality and politics.

They should put a question "Are you 18 years old or more and act like such?" in the registering form of this forum.
9 pages and this thread went from being serious to being hijacked into a quarrel, based on nationality and politics.

They should put a question "Are you 18 years old or more and act like such?" in the registering form of this forum.
It is not a quarrel,is a debate.