Adios Hugo

Any chance the'll change the constitution back to what it was before?

I find more likely that they will pull a "false flag" attack to justify suspending the constitution and calling martial law.
Fidel's meal ticket id gone :eek:
Poor Fidel.

His life sucks.

Anyway, I fear that even that incredibly unintelligent Maduro will win the next elections, because of a sympathy vote. Remember that the idiots are always in the majority. Even Carlos Menem could win a Venezuelan election under the Chavista barrier.

Venezuela is basically a soft military dictatorship. No disappearances, but no institutions and democratic control either, and a mediocre elite of criminals can do whatever it wants. Chávez started his mandate with a damaged and corrupt country and political system, and managed to trash it even further!!! Unbelieveable.

We are not getting rid of Chavismo any time soon. However, without the towering figure of Chávez the country will still descend into chaos. But I am glad that Kirchner has lost her political padrino.
Why would you do that if a majority of the voters pledges your ideas?

There was strong support for Chavez. We don't know yet if there is support for his cronies. I don't think even the cronies know yet. If they think they will be elected, I am sure they will go for an election. If they fear the outcome, I don;t think it is beyond them to pull a "false flag".
Although I didnt like him so much, I must recognise he must did something good. In fact he won 13 of 14 elections -and the one he lost was a referendum 49-51-. The democracy is like this, the majority always win, it happened even with nazism, thats a fail of the system maybe, but is the best system we can have. So the people of Venezuela could have been wrong once, but not 13 times.
Venezuela was by far the country that most people got out of poverty in the last decade and the one with most growth of the hdi index, the better way to measure how a country is doing in Human Development.

ps: camberiu shall I assume you were talking about me on the other thread? If is the case, please talk to me directly. Regards.
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