Advice On Buying A Gun

Let off a warning shot? Who said anything about a warning shot? Respectfully, this statement indicates you know nothing of firearms or home defense.

Respectfully per your post. Quoting you, "Your objective is not to shoot anyone it is to get them out of your house." Chambering a round is going to have them going for their arms if they know what that sounds like. Perhaps you ment something else but your post came across to me as using the firearm to scare people.
On another note I have heard defending yourself in Argentina can get you in more trouble than the thieves trying to rob you. I guess from what I was once told if whack a creep even if they armed you will get the go to jail without passing go card. Which is something to consider if you are thinking about getting a gun.
This argument can go on and on because each person has their own ideas about guns and honestly no one on a forum is going to change anyone's opinion about them. Either you are for or
against them, to each their own. I personally am pro gun, pro NRA, pro hunting, etc..
The OP simply asked a question about a specific gun, meaning they probably already have their mind set on getting one.
Some points for pro gun ownership..

Why I Carry a Gun

I don't carry a gun to kill people.
I carry a gun to keep from being killed.

I don't carry a gun to scare people.
I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place.

I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid.
I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world.

I don't carry a gun because I'm evil.
I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world.

I don't carry a gun because I hate the government.
I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government.

I don't carry a gun because I'm angry.
I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life
angry at myself for failing to be prepared.

I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed,
not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon.

I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man.
I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves
and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate.
I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate.

I don't carry a gun because I love it.
I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Author Unknown
Well said. FYI I am not a fan of the NRA as I feel they represent more the interest of the gun industry and not so much of the legit gun owners. But that is my personal opinion. I am also not a fan of hunting as I do not enjoy killing animals myself - but if others do enjoy it and do their hunting within the boundaries of laws and regulations, I feel it is their liberty to do so. It is just not my kind of hobby. Most of my life I lived in areas where I thought I could trust the local law enforcement with providing an adequate protection. Because of that and for various other reasons I have not privately own a gun before. As I mentioned before I took some time to evaluate the factors here and alternatives before I decided to buy a gun. We have no kids and when we do have visitors with kids the gun will be kept in the gun safe. Although I have not owned a gun privately before - I was trained and had used guns professionally in my past.
The thing about law enforcement and protection is that it is slim at best, in the best of places. Law enforcement can help make an area safer by patrolling it and making contacts among the community and thereby enlisting help from the community. But notice it's called "law enforcement", not "personal protection enforcement".

Unless an officer actually sees a crime in progress and can get to the scene before something bad happens to the victim(s), he is not going to be able to protect. The presence (perception thereof) may (and often does) keep thieves or violent criminals looking for other places- but that's the key, they will simply go where the cops aren't and there are not enough police to be everywhere all the time. Police forces offer protection via enforcement of the laws by discouraging criminals, being the enforcement end of the law. If you do something wrong, the police will (supposedly) do everything in their power to find the perpetrator and bring him before the court system.

Whether people actually stop to think about how limited the police are in terms of real-time protection, it's a fallacy that police are there to stop crimes. Obviously they will if they see them in progress, and I'm sure they would absolutely love to stop any crime in progress. But the reality is it's an impossible task. Police enforce laws, they are not a personal protection racket.

I've never owned a gun myself, although my father does. I've learned how to handle and fire a rifle and a shotgun over the years, but have never fired a pistol. I am 100% for people being able to own a gun, if they feel that it is good for their personal protection, or if they want to hunt, or target practice, or think the slick lines of a particular weapon is a work of art. Personally, I've never lived in a place where I felt a gun was a necessity for protection, all things considered.

For the last 28 years I've had children to think about, but the presence of children in my house never kept me from purchasing a firearm. Maybe that's because as young as 10 years or so my father took me out and showed me how to use his rifle and taught me to respect it for what it is. I never felt a need to try to play with his rifle when he wasn't there, and even if I did, I didn't even know where his ammunition was stored - and didn't go looking for it because there was never any desire to cross my father on such a huge thing (and I was no perfect young kid, either).

Over the years, in Texas, I knew personally one family who had a disaster with a weapon. A brother accidentally shot and killed his younger brother while cleaning his shotgun. Maybe he was just getting the gun out and it being loaded it went off, maybe he really tried to clean the barrel with a load in it, I don't know, we didn't press our friend who had killed his brother to get answers - he was quite destroyed over it and we didn't see the need to press him on it afterward. He was 17 and it was his shotgun. But it was a horrible thing that happened to that family.

Most of the people I knew growing up had either rifles or shotguns, a few had pistols.

However, also over the years, I've known people who were killed in various stupid ways. A whole group of acquaintances killed in a car, the driver drunk. A young boy who killed his older brother (he and his parents made it out of the house) when he was playing with matches and started a fire in his room. A young lady who I didn't know very well at the University of Texas who was partying so hard with tequila at a school concert that she died of alcohol poisoning that night. A father and son who went deep sea fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and didn't come back and were never found.

I get that school shootings are a horrendous thing. But it's not the weapons that kill. It's the twisted heads that wield the weapons who do so. In my opinion it is a severe overreaction to try to limit guns for reasons solely like this, or because criminals have guns and will use them.

But it's only my opinion. I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise. Personally, I'm sick to death of people wanting to continuously give up more and more power to the government for a false sense of security, something that the best of governments can only provide generally, not personally. And this doesn't only relate to guns or weapons of any type. It goes clear down to the level of everyday life.

It's a shame that a guy can't come on the forum and ask a question without half the posters coming down on him and telling him what a mistake he's making, particularly when he's asking about how to do something correctly and legally.
I get that school shootings are a horrendous thing. But it's not the weapons that kill. It's the twisted heads that wield the weapons who do so. In my opinion it is a severe overreaction to try to limit guns for reasons solely like this, or because criminals have guns and will use them.

Limit the guns and the crazy people will have a hard time getting them. see Australia.
Yeah, just eliminate cars because someone may drive drunk, or forks because someone may over eat. I think most people would agree that there is already enough "control" in our lives already. I've spoken my opinion. I don't care if someone doesn't like it, it's mine not theirs.
I'm done now.
Limit the guns and the crazy people will have a hard time getting them. see Australia.

Totally depends on what kind of society you want. If you want a society where everyone depends on the government for everything, that's fine. Watch the government over time getting more and more of control. If you're happy with that, cool. Personally, I think the US with its Patriot Act that came about after the terrorist attacks is a good example of government control gone wild for a fear that may border on hysterical, or a desire to make things so safe that borders on fantasy.

Also, you can't necessarily point to a country that has a population of some 24 million people and compare it to a country that has a much more diverse population of 320 million, and say that what's good for one is good for another. I've had enough of everyone trying to fit all into the same sized peg where I'm from, much less telling me everyone in the world has to approach problems the same way as well.