So, if this forum could vote, who would it be, especially now that Macri is for keeping Aerolíneas and YPF nationalized, the Universal Child Credit, and EVEN Fútbol Para Todos!?
Seriously, what happened in PRO land?
Obviously the profit made by politicians in these failed enterprises surpasses one made by selling them and FPT works like charm to sedate masses. Who would throw away free lunch and control? Certainly I wouldn't, even less people, that made lies and thievery their life. So, I wouldn't go to elections here, even if I could. And certainly i won't loose any sleep over not having voting right ...
If you see Recalde, guy looks like retarded and his behaviour is matching, Macri has some serious mental issues, dancing publicly not the worst example, Larreta can't produce 2 consecutive sentences without guidance, Kristina herself has trastorno bipolar, which is at least fun, but in other role ...
Who can you vote, without insulting your own intellect?? And even if there will be the person better than the others, no way, that majority will follow your logic, quite opposite, as was proven all across the globe numerous times.