Aerolineas Cancellations

So, if this forum could vote, who would it be, especially now that Macri is for keeping Aerolíneas and YPF nationalized, the Universal Child Credit, and EVEN Fútbol Para Todos!?

Seriously, what happened in PRO land?

Obviously the profit made by politicians in these failed enterprises surpasses one made by selling them and FPT works like charm to sedate masses. Who would throw away free lunch and control? Certainly I wouldn't, even less people, that made lies and thievery their life. So, I wouldn't go to elections here, even if I could. And certainly i won't loose any sleep over not having voting right ...

If you see Recalde, guy looks like retarded and his behaviour is matching, Macri has some serious mental issues, dancing publicly not the worst example, Larreta can't produce 2 consecutive sentences without guidance, Kristina herself has trastorno bipolar, which is at least fun, but in other role ...

Who can you vote, without insulting your own intellect?? And even if there will be the person better than the others, no way, that majority will follow your logic, quite opposite, as was proven all across the globe numerous times.
TLDR for ElQuesos post: PAN Y CIRCO. Bread and Circuses.

Or as my grandpa always said: the masses are asses so feed them grass.

Futbol para todos is just bread and circus and it works.
This is the official explanation:

A) It is normal that unions use the high season to put presion to get what they want.

That is why i always travel a few days before the vacations begins.

The company explains that the pilots of Austral are working by the book (while they used to strike when it was a private company).

B.) weather. I read there was a lot of snow in Bariloche. I have no idea in tge other destinations.

C) maintenance. I prefer those airplanes on the ground.

In my experience working in the case of the Lapa accident, they used to fly with no go airplanes.

So, this means they do care about safety.

All reasons you posted, refer to bad management, and weather just being an excuse. A lot of snow? Where I come from snow may interrupt some flights, but it doesn't cancel all of them and especially doesn't influence flights in tropical parts, as is the case in Argentina, obviously. Not to mention how they manage customers, even in normal times...
A story about Santa Claus requesting the planes in order to prepare the shipping of christmas presents would be more believable than this press release :D
Oh, ok. Thanks for explaining Buho. That makes sense that snow in Bariloche would force the cancellation of all flights to and from Aeroparque.

If a unicorn farted in Salta, would that force cancellations in Ezeiza? I need to know. I have a flight coming up in 8 weeks.

All reasons you posted, refer to bad management, and weather just being an excuse. A lot of snow? Where I come from snow may interrupt some flights, but it doesn't cancel all of them and especially doesn't influence flights in tropical parts, as is the case in Argentina, obviously. Not to mention how they manage customers, even in normal times...

I know about the snow in Bariloche, i have no idea about the weather in Cataratas or Salta, that is why i didn't make any comment about something i don't know about. Perhaps you can check it out so, then, you can talk about sonething you know about.

It is not the company who decide if the flight flies or not, it is 100% decision of the pilot.

When the company "manages" it, you have accidents.

Pilots decides according to his skills, pilots in you country might fly every day with snow so they decide to fly anyway. Here snow is not so normal, they might not have so much experience, the pilot decide to cancel the flight (no go).

Pilots also decide according to the technology the airport has, perhaps they have better technology in your country and pilots can flight with a snow storm.

A country where workers has rights and unions has strikes. In this case they decide to work by the book. Workers has no rights in the US.
So much snow everywhere in Argentina...