I'm surprised that people pay so little, and like the conclusion that RichardRPTownley has reached. It sounds fair, as does the methodology that he used - I appreciate that he took the time to do it. City girl also sounds fair.
I'm especially surprised that El Queso pays so little, given his own comments recently about constantly helping people out of hovels. Ain't nobody getting out of a hovel on 45 pesos an hour - especially when it’s not a 9 to 5 or anything - in today's Buenos Aires!
Obviously, it doesn’t work like this (and a 40 hour week for a cleaner with a few different jobs will be more like 50-60 hours with the traveling between jobs in most cases, but at the wage that El Queso is offering, she’d be earning 7800 pesos/ month if she had the luxury of doing that job in one place, uninterrupted, 40 hours per week. That is a HELL of a lot less than the $1,000 USD/ month that Michael gets, and he says Polina has been in Argentina for 45 years (which, given that she doesn’t look much older, makes her practically Argentine in terms of knowing about resources available/ how most people here live). Why should one be expected to live/ support dependents etc on half as much (your tone implies that you think you are being very generous) and the other not? Given my family and ethnic background, I’m not sure I want to know the answer to that…*
* These two paragraphs are 100% directed at El Queso, not everyone/ anyone else who didn’t judge me for my comments on the thread about Michael. I’d have posted it there were the thread not locked
Wow, Homeinbuenosaires, you really got me. Oh my god, I feel so shamed all of the sudden. Imagine my horror to discover that I am continuing the drudgery of unskilled workers after having talked about having helped people here in Argentina and in Paraguay! I have lowered my head in shame.
I don't pay our cleaning lady $45 pesos an hour. If you look
carefully, you'll see the comments I made
were a bit over a year ago, not in this recent batch of adding on to the thread a year later. In fact, I think I was paying around the median salary for a maid at the time, given the surrounding comments. But thanks for your judgment, it is really important to me!
I hadn't made a comment about how much I pay a maid currently since we let her go, at least for now, because I can't afford to pay a maid right now given that I have to deal with fire damage in my apartment and can't get the wonderful insurance company to pay me due to an error that they made.
I'm sure the fact that I let the maid go will give you umbrage of some type as well, but that's too bad. I reckon I can deal with it
I was paying 80 pesos an hour as of January 8 when I had to let her go. That wage was not arbitrary - it was based on what I know two different temporary rental management companies were paying their apartment cleaners (I pay a bit more because I know they don't quite pay enough).
You know, I'm not sure why you all of the sudden feel like you have to single me out. In the thread about Michael Smith you seem to have thought that I was singling you out for some reason, but I didn't even think about you when i wrote the post, or even notice your post specifically (at the time), and
I certainly didn't mention you by name (in case you are somehow challenged by words, this means I didn't
single you out even though you have taken it that way and feel the need to do so with me) when I wrote the post that you responded to me about in a PM and in the thread itself. For some reason you thought I was talking to you specifically and you felt the need to justify to me why you thought you were right in giving Michael a hard time. And it appears now that it's because you feel slighted because you didn't get help for something you needed a year and a half ago? I don't remember your post about the "Alabaman". Sorry I didn't help you at the time.
Your petty little comment at the end of the quote above in this thread just shows your ass (yeah, in case you're wondering, that
is a judgmental statement). You are apparently the only one who took my comments personally and indeed as a personal judgement (which they were neither) and are certainly the only one who is out to prove what a beast I am as a result of a perceived slight.
And you may take this post as 90% directed at you

The other 10% goes to the content of the thread about what I paid a cleaning lady - as of the beginning of the year.