Ajoknoblauch - What Is Your Problem??

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So despite the rumours that Steve's compound is near Bahia Blanca, he is actually still in BA, hence the SteveinBSAS?

If you look at a map you will see that Bahia Blanca is In Prov. Bs. As...hence I see no need for a name change.

Besides, who ever made a rule about usernames being 100% accurate?

For example, in spite of the rumors that your name is actually Bruce (not that there anything wrong with that), why would you post under the name Joe?

PS: That's a rhetorical question.
Also please be advised that after strenuous and frank behind the scenes negotiations, IG has provided a new deadline. That deadline is:

September 30, 2014
Are the many dates proffered by IG some kind of code? Could he be warning us about new events in the progression of the SS phenomena?
Are the many dates proffered by IG some kind of code? Could he be warning us about new events in the progression of the SS phenomena?

If you take all the dates which he has provided as a deadline up till now and then substitute each month with +3 months and each day with -6 days and then use kabbalah in combination with the nostradamus cypher you will find that he is actually a prophet who is guiding us through the troubled times off a peronovirus created mass expat extinction event. I thought that was quite obvious by now ^^

PS: This may also help you decode the message, good luck, see you all in the 'special compound' where we will all be safe! :

OK now I know why IG keeps changing the many promissed dates.
He is under the influence of ..what is that white coloured trumpet like flower of Colombia's name ?
This is the last known image of arlean and her disciples during their flight from Buenos Aires along the Camino Negro in search of the promised land. Here they have paused to bury and administer last rites to one of the party who succumbed to lack of wifi:


There have been no confirmed reports since this photo was taken but some say they have created paradise on earth, a land of almond milk and honey far away from the fluoride chemtrails, mutant GMO rats, peronogenic plagues and other evils of the modern world. In the bleak post expat extinction event world we live in the purported existence of this land is the only thing from which I derive any hope or comfort.

If only we had listened to arlean. What appeared to be the demented ramblings of a mad woman were actually coded warnings - the many references to Peron, Nazis (= SS = Stenoblauch Symbiosis) and Bariloche (the site of the experiments) - but I digress I must return to the Sanudo code before it is too late...
I stopped hanging around here due to ajo's condescending remarks. He is vindictive toward those he thinks are on the opposing side of his political views. Like most intellectually dishonest people, he attacks personally those he disagrees.
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