Alberto: We should return to absolute quarantine

In my view, the government cling to the quarantine for two reasons:
1) They have no earthly idea what else to do, and
2) they have discovered that with all of us locked up they are free to do anything they want to do: dismantle the judicial system, free their jailed cronies, expropriate private companies .....whatever.

I agree with 1) They have no idea what to do and are more or less incapable of preparing the health system for a higher number of cases (that we are getting now anyway).

My "2)" would be that they want to use it as an excuse why Argentinia is bankrupt and won't be able to pay their debt for years to come.

They would have freed their jailed peronistas without the lockdown.
''My "2)" would be that they want to use it as an excuse why Argentinia is bankrupt and won't be able to pay their debt for years to come.

They would have freed their jailed peronistas without the lockdown.
I agree with your "2)" - let's add it to the list. ,

You are right - they would have freed the jailed peronistas anyway, but keeping the masses terrified, pennyless and in lockdown makes everything much easier.
And without the "Never Ending Story" we would be viewing "The Emperor Without Clothes"....AF has no economic plan.

Now that "Gone with the Wind" is out HBO may opt for including and Argie movie like "Esperando la Carroza" or El Presidente ..!
Always Behind/Next? a/to great man AF is a Great Woman CFK...!
In my view, the government cling to the quarantine for two reasons:
1) They have no earthly idea what else to do, and
2) they have discovered that with all of us locked up they are free to do anything they want to do: dismantle the judicial system, free their jailed cronies, expropriate private companies .....whatever.

I would add

3) They choose not to lift the quarantaine, otherwise the economic mess becomes too visible. The only problem: the longer the denial lasts, the bigger the mess. As long as we are blissed in the moment, the future does not matter, right?
It looks like the President has not been presented with a good exit strategy. And maybe there is no good exit strategy, at this point.

I mean, how do you lift a quarantine against what basically is the flu (a coronavirus is a flu), when the country is just entering Winter?

So, here we are: it makes no sense ending a flu quarantine before the end of Winter, but it also makes no sense maintaining a "quarantine" that destroys the private sector and therefore the whole economy. Quarantine that in any case is not respected in the streets, and just fucks the productive, industrial and travel industry (for little provable result).

So, well, what to do? Wait 6 months for the vaccine, or 4 months for Summer? My advice would be, the gov should start doctoring the figures (stats) so that magically the virus appears to be dwindling, and in a couple of weeks, end of story, like what's going on in the US, the coronavirus is already dead and buried, it's old news. Stats need to magically show a nice geometric decrease, and then the gov has an exit strategy.

I mean, what was done to the INDEC stats, surely can be done to the bullshit flu coronavirus stats? let's make it disappear like inflation used to disappear!