nikad said:
Marihuana posession is still punished as a crime in the Criminal Code, I have heard of people being arrested for 2-3 days for carrying 3 marihuana cigarretes... do not play the hero here, situations with the Police can get really bizarre to say the least. No to mention if you get in trouble with Province Police it gets ten times worse and unless you have plenty of contacts they will make your life miserable for as long as they can get away with it. Have heard several horror stories first hand.
In fact, the way it works if the following:
They arrest you, you go to a comisaria and you spend the night with other people who are there for murder, robbery, kidnapping or watever. If you were so stupid to get arrested on friday evening, good luck until monday.
After that they take you to the judge. The judge will interrogate you and send you to a maximum security federal prision. It is known as Ezeiza. It is a paradize compared to the comisaria. However, dicipline is tight. There are different levels inside. If you are there for trying to traffic whatever you mentioned, nobody is going to respect you, so you are going to "lavar los tuppers" ("dish washing", Ladies work, so figure out what does it means).
So, if you are planning long term vacation at the shadow, I suggest you try to do something a little more profesional, at least they might respect you and you wont need to use skirts.
They don`t prosecute you using the anti drugs law, they use the anti contraband law because it is tricky and you will be more years inside.
About being arrested for having some fazos, it is the same. But if you are lucky the judge might agree with Supreme Court and after the interrogation he might release you. However, being al illegal alien is the best excuse to do not and you will be deported after some years when a citizen just signs a plea barbaining and goes home in a couple of hours (as you see, to became native has some very tiny advantages).
So, don`t be so susceptible. One of my clients was caught trying to traffic 10 kilos of cocaine so I am not speculating.