Any Bikers Out There?

At Luján, you can pay tribute at the place where Pappo offed himself:
Gringoboy, how do you post a pic on here? I was going to post a pic of my bike but cant figure out how..
Han, I just post the Photobucket image link.
If you use another photo service like Tumblr or whatever, I imagine it's similar.
Dublin, I only took up with biking in 2009 as I found myself without wheels having sold a car.
Scared the hell out of me at first and then I realised I should have done this years ago.
I'm not really into huge crowds of bikers and standing in a car park or field showing off our bikes isn't my scene.
The bike's fallen over a couple of times, which has only served to make me more vigilant, especially in the rain.
It's going to have to be a Sunday as someone who really wants to do the trip (from an MC club) can only do it then.
Next or the following.

Pappo looks a mean dude!
Oh and before I forget.
There are four tolls on R2 before Chascomus, so it gets expensive at least for a car.
The first three are $2 bike and $6 car. The fourth is $26, but amazingly, is FREE for bikes.
How it warms my heart to sail through a toll without paying a cent.
Adri doesn't like bikes either and when I told her I'd put a deposit on a bike in 2009, it was one of those 'Sos loco??' moments.
Having said that, by some miracle and gentle persuasion, I managed to get her on the back of the bike for the first time on Saturday.
There is hope!
I think I killed the idea stone dead when I told her about the little crash on my lesson! In fairness I'd love to have a bike for Sunday spins and not much more. I wouldn't be interested in city traffic during the week from a blood pressure perspective mainly. I could probably swing the safety discussion but would lose out on the financial argument.
I've been riding for over three decades and have only ever gone down twice--both times in extremely slow moving traffic when some twit in a tall pickup truck failed to see me (and being boxed in, I couldn't perform an evasive maneuver). Fortunately, due to the very slow speeds involved, no injuries resulted.

As for spouses, my ex-wife of twenty years only ever got on the back if we were in a developing country, riding POS rental bikes on horrible roads, without safety gear (and probably uninsured to boot). Apparently she believed in some kind of traveler's immunity, because at home--on a perfectly maintained machine, on great roads and with a full complement of safety gear--she deemed it far too dangerous.
I can concur as the both times that I came off were in traffic at 10-15Kms/hr.
Making progress with the quest to Mr Crowhurst's landfall and found some interviews with local fishermen and customs officials who were there at the time.
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