Really? Them taking your thumb/finger prints and a picture at immigration makes you feel like a criminal?
What world have you been living in for the past 10-12 years?
This is the way it is. Bangkok airport has had it in place for the last three years that I've visited Thailand. Never made me feel like a criminal. It would have if I wanted to overstay my visa or was planning on giving them a slip. But other than that, I'm going to their country, they can institute whatever law they want to protect their citizens from outsiders. If I don't like it, I am sure they can arrange for me a flight that goes straight back (usually flights turn around in about an hour).
As much as I dislike most of what CFK and the idiots surrounding her do, I think this is necessary. This might be used for people who overstay their visas in the future (I doubt that will happen), and if that happens, then all I can say is "bad luck". But with the world the way it is these days, governments feel the need to protect their citizens (at least overtly). And along those lines, without giving thought to any other theories, I think the Argentine government is WAY within their rights to tell people wishing to enter the country THEY are responsible for keeping safe whatever the hell they want (whether they keep the country safe or not or whether they care about their populace is, of course, debatable but maybe in another thread).
I'm glad the US started with the security screening. Having been a flight attendant on a plane that had to taxi back to the gate with a suspected terrorist on board who could have "pulled the pin" any time he wanted (if he actually had a bomb on board), I wish for more and more security measures. Of course nothing on the level TSA is doing (searching little girls and nuns on wheel chairs is plain stupid and a waste of resources and time). And I'm also for profiling. It works very well at Ben Gurion. I'm sure it will work elsewhere too. But hey, that's just me!