Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

I quoted Cooke because he was against this contract. However, you seems to believe that you don't need to quote, perhaps, because you assert a lot of
cooke was a hard peronist,in fact,they are promoting him right now,in the k dominated national library
I dont want anybody from latin american here,maybe with the honourable exception to the uruguayans,who are more or less like us,the rest,out.

Be careful, cause someone could perfectly say and feel exactly that way with the jewish immigration.
Be careful, cause someone could perfectly say and treat exactly that way the jewish immigration.
When those give to this country,what the jews gave,lets talk about that,for myself,i will be pretty happy to be deported back to europe :D
Did you knew that the sunflower,one of the main exports of this country,was brought by jews from russia,to here?
did you knew that one of the 5,and one of the 3,nobel prizes this country has,was given to a jew?
What those peruvians,bolivians,brazilians,etc,gave to this country?....
Please, cant we get back to arguing about pizza? Its more educational, rational, and informative than this abtruse political discussion.
Tht is not racism,every country,except this one,palces limits and prefferences to immigration,in fact,this one did it too,in the past
I dont want anybody from latin american here,maybe with the honourable exception to the uruguayans,who are more or less like us,the rest,out.

Indeed, the dictators who coup Peron were not only a bunch of idiots, they also were nazis and they enacted many decrees that tried to replace the National Constitution discriminating immigration by race and religion. This is the decree 46/70 you like so much:

I guess you don{t quote because is very "impolite" to quote your real sources:

Am I wrong?

It is also interesting that you are despective about people who you call "K". I remind you that 54 % of the people of this country voted the K. Over 60% voted Peron... There is nothing bad about people who agree with what this government does. However, there is a lot of people who agree with the dictators in jail, I wonder why? Perhaps because they are criminals?

Perhaps it is like that because you don't like democracy.

By the way, the author of that book I quoted, was giving conferences about civil rights sponsored by the comments.
Indeed, the dictators who coup Peron were not only a bunch of idiots, they also were nazis and they enacted many decrees that tried to replace the National Constitution discriminating immigration by race and religion. This is the decree you like so much:

I guess you don quote because is very "impolite" to quote your real sources:

Am I wrong?

It is also interesting that you are despective about people who you call "K". I remind you that 54 % of the people of this country voted the K. Over 60% voted Peron...
Perhaps it is like that because you don't like democracy.

By the way, the author of that book I quoted, was giving conferences about civil rights sponsored by the comments.
voting is not the only requieremt of democracy,and electiions themselves,are not the only requierement for a democratic government,hey,hitler was elected in democratic elections
54% nothing,that was with fraud,and peron,put in jail many opposition politicans,forced others to exile,and closed several newspapers,same thing the k tried to do.
Indeed,the people in the libertadora,wherent the best kind of people,but they where better than peron,and its not them who let the nazis here,that was peron.
Please, cant we get back to arguing about pizza? Its more educational, rational, and informative than this abtruse political discussion.

I, for one, am having a blast watching the discussion. The racist remarks are just pure gold. I've heard them many times on the street, but to see it as written proof of the "ugly Argentine" character, which it is known in all of South America, and recorded for posterity it is just awesome.
When those give to this country,what the jews gave,lets talk about that,for myself,i will be pretty happy to be deported back to europe :D
Did you knew that the sunflower,one of the main exports of this country,was brought by jews from russia,to here?
did you knew that one of the 5,and one of the 3,nobel prizes this country has,was given to a jew?
What those peruvians,bolivians,brazilians,etc,gave to this country?....

This is great. Keep these comments coming.

voting is not the only requieremt of democracy,and electiions themselves,are not the only requierement for a democratic government,hey,hitler was elected in democratic elections
54% nothing,that was with fraud,and peron,put in jail many opposition politicans,forced others to exile,and closed several newspapers,same thing the k tried to do.
Indeed,the people in the libertadora,wherent the best kind of people,but they where better than peron,and its not them who let the nazis here,that was peron.

Fraud? Sure! I just read in this blogspot which slogan is god, fatherland or death! (

Sorry, but you giving advices about democracy is a bad joke.