Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

This is an interestiong paper that explains how Peron created and institut (IAPI) to avoid that common people use ths dollar as a savings refugee as soon as it shows how much gold were at the Central Bank. They also show that inflaciòn is not the failure of the administration, instead it is an inflacionary tax that the State use to finance its expendichures without international credit.
The paper´s tittle is "The peronist economy plan". Written by non peronist. They explain that this institut, the IAPI is the seed of the inflacionary expectations in this country.

Were gold reserves depleted? Seems not:

Was Peron going to use the army to invade other countries? I don´t think so. He didn´t even had the balls to destroy the small rebellion that coup him. He used to say that he was a Lion without teths. It was true.
This is an interestiong paper that explains how Peron created and institut (IAPI) to avoid that common people use ths dollar as a savings refugee as soon as it shows how much gold were at the Central Bank. They also show that inflaciòn is not the failure of the administration, instead it is an inflacionary tax that the State use to finance its expendichures without international credit.
The paper´s tittle is "The peronist economy plan". Written by non peronist. They explain that this institut, the IAPI is the seed of the inflacionary expectations in this country.

Were gold reserves depleted? Seems not:

Was Peron going to use the army to invade other countries? I don´t think so. He didn´t even had the balls to destroy the small rebellion that coup him. He used to say that he was a Lion without teths. It was true.
Seem yes
Peron was so desperate for money,that when they deposed him,he was doing a deal with standard oil that will deliver the patagonia to them.
He was so strained for money,that shops who turned on the ligths before a certain hour,could face stiff penalties
The country had a bad harvest and they didnt had any money that it was impossible to find white bread
where I heard this?from my father,he lived thru all the peronist garbage,in fact,if the tyrant was deposed in 1955,my father could have been deported for anti peronist activities
Where did you find that picture?
He responded almost verbatim (racism included) to how the Peronist government responded back then to the Brazilian diplomatic enquiries about the armament purchases by Argentina.

Would/should the Brazilian government have bought that explanation? Of course not. Just to put the scale of the thing in perspective, in 1947 Peron acquired 100 Gloster Meteors from the UK, the top of the line British jet fighter at the time. During that same period, all air forces in South America, put together, did not field 100 propeller combat aircraft. He then bought 50 long range strategic bombers, another type of aircraft that simply did not exist in the region until then. Then he bough an aircraft carrier, something that would allow him to project force anywhere in South America.

But of course, there was no intention to go to war. Why conquer a bunch of niggers and indians? It is not like someone had ever tried conquering them before, right? Right?
Please,think,once,for a change,what the rest of the countries could have that we could possibly wanth?we have everithing here.
He wanted to keep Argentina in the place it belongs,as the leader of the southern hemisp`here,it was possibly the only right thing he did
Seem yes
Peron was so desperate for money,that when they deposed him,he was doing a deal with standard oil that will deliver the patagonia to them.
He was so strained for money,that shops who turned on the ligths before a certain hour,could face stiff penalties
The country had a bad harvest and they didnt had any money that it was impossible to find white bread
where I heard this?from my father,he lived thru all the peronist garbage,in fact,if the tyrant was deposed in 1955,my father could have been deported for anti peronist activities
Where did you find that picture?

Read the link Einstein.
Again: hard data?
I have read it,it is just his opinion,and he is a nobody journalists,not an intelectual or an expert

According to footnote n• 2, he is a professor of economy at San Andres University and the article is, in fact, a paper (a cientific investigation).
So, a qualified opinion with a lot of hard data that shows that your asserts are false. Being him from university of San Andres, his opinion is not biased as yours is according to your own comments about the story of your father.
So, it is false that when Peron was coup the gold reserves were empty.
Hate and facts aren't good friends.
According to footnote n• 2, he is a professor of economy at San Andres University and the article is, in fact, a paper (a cientific investigation).
So, a qualified opinion with a lot of hard data that shows that your asserts are false. Being him from university of San Andres, his opinion is not biased as yours is according to your own comments about the story of your father.
So, it is false that when Peron was coup the gold reserves were empty.
Hate and facts aren't good friends.
If he had so much money,why he couldnt import white flour?why he had to deliver the patagonia so standard oil?
you are nothing but a k,no different than matias.
If he had so much money,why he couldnt import white flour?why he had to deliver the patagonia so standard oil?
you are nothing but a k,no different than matias.

please, do not say that again.