Ar Peso Is The Worst Investment (Currency) In 2014, Surprise

I will say what I whant,specially if its the truth,and everybody knows here that you are nothing but a k

Until now, all your asserts were false.

Again, you ignore how the international commerce worked out during and just after the WWII. The usd was not yet an international currency and there was an international crisis of currencies because they were attached to the gold and all the countries were bankrupt. So, to make it simple: the international commerce went back to the stone age and it was based on barter.
The AR government created a State monopoly of the trade of grains when the production was just enough for the local demand and while the local price of weat was about 100 pesos, they offer 200. The production rise exponentially of course. While the Us price for weat was about 300 pesos, Argentina exported it at 600 pesos while it was sold local to the flour productors at 100 pesos to give locals cheap bread.
But as i mentioned, there was a crisis of currency because they were attached to the gold, so, in those days to print money wasn't so easy as nowadays.
So, ariel, perhaps the answer was that Peron didn't import flour because Argentina became under Peron one of the biggest exporters.
It is amazing how the K administration is so Peronist, i didn't know.
Until now, all your asserts were false.

Again, you ignore how the international commerce worked out during and just after the WWII. The usd was not yet an international currency and there was an international crisis of currencies because they were attached to the gold and all the countries were bankrupt. So, to make it simple: the international commerce went back to the stone age and it was based on barter.
The AR government created a State monopoly of the trade of grains when the production was just enough for the local demand and while the local price of weat was about 100 pesos, they offer 200. The production rise exponentially of course. While the Us price for weat was about 300 pesos, Argentina exported it at 600 pesos while it was sold local to the flour productors at 100 pesos to give locals cheap bread.
But as i mentioned, there was a crisis of currency because they were attached to the gold, so, in those days to print money wasn't so easy as nowadays.
So, ariel, perhaps the answer was that Peron didn't import flour because Argentina became under Peron one of the biggest exporters.
It is amazing how the K administration is so Peronist, i didn't know.
really?and why he tried to do the standar oil deal,¨enlighten me¨,hahahaha
But I agree with you,the kirchners are very mucy alike peron,they have the same respect for democracy and freedom of exp<b></b>ression as him,that means,none at all,they are crooks just the same
at least,nestor didnt seem to be a pedophile,like peron
really?and why he tried to do the standar oil deal,¨enlighten me¨,hahahaha

Perhaps because Peron faced the same energy issues that the K administration has nowadays.

To develope the industry means that you need a lot more energy.

Peron nationalized YPF and the production rise 50% in 6 years but it was not enough, 56% of the oil was imported.

So, the contract you critize without any argument (besides he signed a contract with foreigners) makes sense.

They had to give 50% of the profit and to sell the oil to the government at the same price than the Texas. Seems a very good deal.

But i wonder what a person who has xenophobia does in a foreigners forum?
Perhaps because Peron faced the same energy issues that the K administration has nowadays.

To develope the industry means that you need a lot more energy.

Peron nationalized YPF and the production rise 50% in 6 years but it was not enough, 56% of the oil was imported.

So, the contract you critize without any argument (besides he signed a contract with foreigners) makes sense.

They had to give 50% of the profit and to sell the oil to the government at the same price than the Texas. Seems a very good deal.

But i wonder what a person who has xenophobia does in a foreigners forum?
Well,when the deal forces you,a citizen,to ask for visa and use a passport to transit YOUR OWN COUNTRY,doesnt strike me as a very good deal.
I have problems with certain kind of foreigners,not the ones that use this forum,and at leats,i dont use it to offer my services and make money like you.
I have problems with certain kind of foreigners,not the ones that use this forum

I appriciate your honesty regarding that you are racist.

Can you please clarify where is your racism focus please?

I appriciate your honesty regarding that you are racist.

Can you please clarify where is your racism focus please?
Tht is not racism,every country,except this one,palces limits and prefferences to immigration,in fact,this one did it too,in the past
I dont want anybody from latin american here,maybe with the honourable exception to the uruguayans,who are more or less like us,the rest,out.
ahh,yes,using coocke as information,,next,what are you going to use?the garbade put out from the dorrego foundation? :lol: :lol:

I quoted Cooke because he was against this contract. However, you seems to believe that you don't need to quote, perhaps, because you assert a lot of