Hi All of you
It's a pleasure to read posts about my own country having lived in the US for 3 years....
Regardless of Horace's depiction of Argentineans as self-centered and individualistic(with many of whose descriptions I agree ), it seems some of you forgot some basic facts-habits about the USA. I myself lived three years ago in the USA, and had my personal experience as well, I have never lived in another country, but I came back intimately convinced that should there be a most selfish ranking country the USA would top it.
-Millions of Homeless (in a country with the world's highest GDP)
- No general medical insurance (one out of five uninsured)- It wouldn't surprise me that the figure should rise as medical costs are sky rocketing.
-Increasing tax burden on the middle class and a general uproar whenever any tax change debate arises......Greed, greed.....
-No interest whatsoever in what happens abroad, foreign politics, sports, it's all about the USA, the world finishes where the USA finishes. Just take a look at the headlines of the main newspapers.
-No time nor culture to enjoy some of the true pleasures of life: family (americans gather twice a year, for thankgiving and christmas with luck!), food, friends. Life revolves around jobs and if that means moving every five months and uprooting a family, breaking a couple, then be it, money comes first.
-Kids' education based on being the smartest kid on town, therefore the preassure on practising yoga,joining play groups, etc from 3 months onwards..No surprise then on the recurring incidents of high school violence. That sheds some light on what is going on with american families (for more information I recommend LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, not to miss!)
I could go on forever and ever but I don't want to bore you (Should I speak about the how the USA endorses the Genevas' Convention of war detainees?) No, I guess you could all go and watch The Road to Guantanamo by yourself...
I believe there are worse thing that tuning the music so high that even your mercosur neighbours could listen
Saludos and
Good night