Its a shame that the only real issue here is the only real issue that hasn't been discussed - its whether or not ANY superpower or gang of superpowers has the right to attack/invade/interfere in the affairs of another sovereign state - just because they dislike what is going on within its borders...
At the end of the day - this is what it comes down to - and there are only two possible answers - one is that yes, these superpowers can interfere/attack/effect regime change/pretty much anything else they want - OR the second option is that they have to keep their nose out of the affairs of other countries and let them sort out their own messes...
We can see, from experience, how the first option has worked out so far; Gulf Wars, Iraq, Afghanistan - surely NOBODY out there is going to say that these wars achieved anything except for a lot of allied servicemen coming home in body bags and the taxpayer footing the bill (?)
Oh - and the most important achievement of all - that in each case the situation is now WORSE in each place and widespread hate for the west and all westerners has also been achieved... (To a LARGE extent each of these efforts has done a WONDERFUL job of recruiting the next generation of hate filled Al Qaeda volunteers/etc.)
Every member of my family has served in one service or another over the last 100 years - including myself - even the women were army nurses - I have NOTHING but respect and admiration for those who have the guts to put on the uniform to serve their country - and I have nothing but DISGUST for criminal politicians who put soldiers in harms way when it is uncalled for...
To me the basic principle is a simple one - if another nation is attacking you then by ALL MEANS declare war and send your armed services to do their job - to put their lives on the line to protect and defend you from the enemy aggressor - but as I said previously, the last time I looked the Libyan Navy was not off the coast of the continental US bombarding it, there were no Libyan aircraft flying over Washington strafing civilians and no Libyan paratroopers being dropped over California...
I don't particularly like Gaddafi or leaders like him - but for me thats not the issue - for whatever reason he is the leader of Libya - has been for 40 years - and was helped to seize power by the same nations that are now bombing Libya - so if we apply a little bit of logic here perhaps the one lesson we can learn from this is that every time we mess in the affairs of other countries - especially middle eastern islamic states - we make things worse - not better - so surely the answer is to butt out and let these people sort out their own problems...
At the very least we'd have billions more dollars to spend on schools, hospitals, infrastructure and what is needed by the citizens of our own countries - rather than on missiles and weapons delivery systems - and not have so many coffins coming home draped in US, UK and Australian flags (and others)...
I might be insanely idealistic here - but as they say, charity begins at home - and it makes sense to put your own house in order before you worry about anyone else's

I'll happily bet 10 bucks that after we've wasted millions and/or billions on this latest adventure (Libya) we will have nothing to show for it in terms of making anything better (apart from serving the interests of a very select few) but I will also guarantee that we will be making a rod for our own back and making the whole east versus west situation even worse - that is one thing I think we can guarantee we'll achieve...