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ndcj said:After what period of time, the standard two years or something different? And does it apply to the non-citizen parent of argentinos nativos por opcion?
If I don´t anwer properly this is because I didn´t understand properly the question.
The rule is that you need 2 years of living in Argentina to apply for citizenship. But there are some shortcuts. One of them is if you are a railroad builder
Once they became argentinian there is no difference about if they were born here or they got the citizenship by "opción". There was a diference in the abolished law, but this one was enacted by a genocidal, so, guess what... it was all about discrimination. This is forbidden. As soon as democracy rise the old 346 law was enacted again:
Artículo 1.- Son argentinos:
1.- Todos los argentinos nacidos o que nazcan en el territorio de la república, sea cual fuere
la nacionalidad de sus padres, con excepción de los hijos de ministros extranjeros y
miembros de legaciones residentes en la república.
2.- Los hijos de argentinos nativos que habiendo nacido en país extranjero optaren por la ciudadanía de origen.
Art. 12.- Los hijos de argentino nativo y los extranjeros que están actuando en el ejercicio de la ciudadanía argentina, son considerados como ciudadanos naturales o naturalizados, sin sujeción a ninguno de los requisitos establecidos por esta ley, debiendo únicamente
inscribirse en el registro cívico nacional.
Well, let´s see. If your children are younger than 18 years, Supreme Court said that even been guilty with a criminal sentences against you, you might became a citizen. After Argentina suscribed to the Child convention (a human rights treatry) the north of the compass is "the superior interest of the child". This means that a child can be separeted from his family only if they are a danger for him (Violence, drugs, etc). This means that deportation is abolished for parents of argentinians. So, citizenship cannot be denied. This is not maths, it is all about proper argumentation of course.
If your question is more specific, send me a PM. Regards