Argentine citizenship for foreigners?

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BC, what are the tax implications of becoming a resident as opposed to being a regular tourist? Do you end up paying tax on your worldwide assets. Is there a double taxation treaty with the UK. If you are living on a pension or money from a trust, is that income taxable and if so at what level does one start paying tax. I don't work at the moment and may not need to for some time. Currently I am a kind of itinerant author. There are obviously a number of advantages to having a DNI etc....But what are the main disadvantages.
This is a question I would be most interested in knowing the answer to as well.
Well, it is a tricky question. If you are illegal you don´t pay taxes no matter the euphemism you like to use (perma-tourist).

Regarding the double taxation treaties, you should email your embassy asking about it.

Argentina has laws on the books that it is allowed to tax world-wide income (incluiding taxing of assets held outside of Argentina). However, it doesn't have agreements as far as I know between the USA and UK to get the income and asset information on its permanent residents and citizens.
I don't believe your embassy will know the answer to your question, but if you want to spend about US$1000 an international law firm like Baker, Mckenzie, will tell you in greater detail what I mentioned above.
Today I reveice the notification of one of the appeals. I won again at another room (sala) of the Chamber (there are 4 salas, 1 sala means 3 judges):

1) Confirmed that working under the table is an honest way of living;

2) Confirmed that you can apply with DNI or Passport or birth certificate instead of DNI plus passport plus birth certificate;

3) If you have passport, then you don´t need the birth certificate.

4) I lost regarding that they cannot ask for minimum Spanish knoledge, I might win this at Supreme Court but there is no reason to slow the case down.

I also won at the administrative side of the Chamber and they changed the requirements for applying for citizenship, now they only ask for DNI or passport or birth certificate, to be 18 years older and the 2 years of living in Argentina.

Now they let all the other requierement uo to the judge. This technically correct because the employeds at the Mesa de Sorteos de la Camara cannot decide over a federal case, they are simple employeds.

This means that now you can apply, they assign you a judge and he is going to reject you case or torture you asking a lot of papers you don´t need. There are only 2 of the 10 judges who will grand you with citizenship without legal residence without proper legal representation.

Anyway this is a big change.

Regarding the criminal record, judges are starting to accept that thay must request this to your embassy instead to you.

I already applyed in 5 cases where they had less than 2 years and the cases were accepted.

I mentioned that there were an employed at the place were they assign you a judge who was hassling me during February and March. Today I was testifying before the Federal Criminal Judge against this person because she was trying to decide over a federal case without being a Federal Judge, so, she is in big troubles. This lady is the wife of one of the federal judges, one of the most conservative ones, since I am prosecuting his wife, now I can impugnate him for ever :D. It means that he cannot be judge of any of my cases never again. As soon as there are another 5 very conservative judges. 2 of them disagree with me but respect the law and Supreme Court Precedents. One of them died and another had a heart attack recentrly. So, now the way for citizenship is flowing.

Today I went to the court in La Plata and was given the forms for applying for citizenship. The clerk at the desk was extraordinarily helpful (perhaps one of the most helpful officials I've countered so far here).

He gave me two forms, "Planilla de Ingreso de Expedientes"and "Carta de Ciudadania Argentina" to fill in, and said to return with one photocopy of the first one, two of the second one, a photocopy of my DNI, my wife's DNI and our foreign marriage certificate.

He said that they don't need any originals of anything, just plain copies, and that the judge would view the originals when the case was assigned and return them on the spot after confirming that they match the copies.

He said it really didn't matter whether I have a DNI or not (I do), and that a passport would have been fine too. I asked him if being married to an Argentine was enough even without two years residency and he said that this was also no problem. He said the case would take 8-12 months.

Here's what's on the paperwork:

Señor Juez:
Encontrándome en las condiciones prescriptas por el art. 2o de la ley 346, ven solicitar carta de ciudadanía haciendo desde ya formal renuncia a mi nacionalidad de origen.
Declaro bajo juramento que las referencias personales son:

Apellido/s y Nombre
Fecha de Nacimiento
Estado Civil
Luger de Nacimiento (Nacion y Pueblo)
Domicilio Actual
Profesión u Ocupación
Lugar de Trabajo
Sabe leer y escribir
Datos del Padre
-- Apellido/s y Nombre
-- Nacionalidad
Datos de la Madre
-- Apellido/s y Nombre
-- Nacionalidad
Datos del Tutor
-- Apellido/s y Nombre
-- Nacionalidad
Datos de los Hijos
-- Tiene Hijos?
-- Nacionalidad
Llegada al País (Fecha)
Último Domicilio en el Extranjero

Sívase V.S., previa vista al Señor Procurador Fiscal, concederme la carta Ciudadanía Argentina.-

Será Justicia.
ndcj said:
Encontrándome en las condiciones prescriptas por el art. 2o de la ley 346, ven solicitar carta de ciudadanía haciendo desde ya formal renuncia a mi nacionalidad de origen.

Isn't this oddly written (anyway you cannot renounce your nationality in another country)?!
French jurist said:
Isn't this oddly written (anyway you cannot renounce your nationality in another country)?!

Yeah, it's somewhat odd. Anyway, my other citizenship cannot be renounced except on the right form and by paying a fee and appearing before a consular officer.

Maybe Bajo_cero2 might have some advice on this, whether it might cause any problems down the road?
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