Attacked in a "posh" bar called Mute in Las Canitas

cbphoto said:
Well Fifs2 just proved that not all BsAs locals are asses... 300 were trained not to be :p

C'mon, professional by day but asshole by night maybe - how much can a girl achieve in an 8 hour training course???:D Thanks....
Paraphrasing Bob Dylan, I think everybody likes men with scars to a certain extent.
cbphoto said:
Yes..not all Argentinians are bad.. that being said...when most BA locals don't trust each other..most thinking the other has some kind of angle.. to extort money, rob you, hit on your wife/girlfriend.etc etc etc.. being very reluctant to let an outsider in..just the basic trust.. seemingly non existent. When the OP gets hit over the head with a bottle in a full bar... how many "men" did you find to stop the assailant? Not one!!! What does that say about a society?

First rule of self protection: Protect Self.
You don't buy into someone else's troubles. You might get hurt.
That idea of yours might work in a circle where people more or less know each other but not surrounded by strangers, unless you are willing to take the risk of getting cut/stabbed yourself. You have not enough background to the whole story to intervene. Never jump to conclusions or into a fight.

Depending on your age and responsibilities, your best option should be to gain distance, go for cover (add obstacles between you and the fight) and be a good witness.

That's an universal rule for us old dogs. Any society.
Thats not the rules I live by.. Sure one day it might kill me.. I still do use judgment before jumping in. To this date I have broken up or held someone perpetrating violence on others at least 20 times, Have been held hostage in Istanbul for 12 hours by Chechen rebels, broken up dog fights in the USA.. and I am still here. If I were to not have gotten involved in any of those situations.. I would already be dead to myself. Like much of is exactly your attitude that makes places like BsAs break down into each looking out only for themselves... The criminals know people are all a bunch of avoiding wimps.. so they have free rain to commit more and more crime. Others take notice... and more criminals are born. If you are elderly... an"Old Dog" and frail..yes maybe you should not get involved. That being said... wacking a criminal with your cane ought to shave a few years :)
I think it's safe to assume that in most other major cities, in the environment of an upscale bar, someone offering a free glass of their expensive champagne as a form of toast would be seen as more than welcome.
In the States and Europe its quite common to invite perfect strangers to a round of shots for instance. However, as many of us know, logic and things that are generally seen as common practice in most other places, do not apply to Argentina. This is one of those instances where my neighbour would have lowered her head, shrugged, and murmured "y, que le podes hacer, esto es Argentina"
Iznogud said:
First rule of self protection: Protect Self.
You don't buy into someone else's troubles. You might get hurt.
That idea of yours might work in a circle where people more or less know each other but not surrounded by strangers, unless you are willing to take the risk of getting cut/stabbed yourself. You have not enough background to the whole story to intervene. Never jump to conclusions or into a fight.

Depending on your age and responsibilities, your best option should be to gain distance, go for cover (add obstacles between you and the fight) and be a good witness.

That's an universal rule for us old dogs. Any society.
Martin Luther King Jr. "I said:
" But then the Good Samaritan came by. And he reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?" [/SIZE][/B]
That's the question before you tonight.
I learned that getting my crotch shot with SIMUNITION at SIGARMS Academy during CCW classes. Definiytely not an argie thing. The shooter was the guy I was trying to help (who appeared to be the victim).

Old enough to know I must protect my kids and not get into situations where I can get hurt and not be able to carry on with my primary family duties.

I commend you on your attitude, we need people like you in order to allow us to buy time to self protect ourselves.
YanquiGallego said:
In the States and Europe its quite common to invite perfect strangers to a round of shots for instance.

Being able to talk to random strangers in a bar is one of the things I miss most about Europe and North America. Sure, you can talk to unknown Porteños, but they generally seem scared to death to talk to anyone they don't know.
Iznogud said:
I learned that getting my crotch shot with SIMUNITION at SIGARMS Academy during CCW classes. Definiytely not an argie thing.

Old enough to know I must protect my kids and not get into situations where I can get hurt and not be able to carry on with my primary family duties.

I commend you on your attitude, we need people like you in order to allow us to buy time to self protect ourselves.

Izno, I generally agree with your posts, but this one shows a big cultural difference between Argentina and North America. While there are definitely people who have this outlook there, in my opinion it is not the norm.

I try not to make generalizations about Argentina, people in Buenos Aires just don't give a shit about anyone not in their immediate circle. You can see it in EVERY aspect of society, from the story in this thread to crossing the street in a cross walk and having cars drive AT you rather than turning the steering wheel 5 degrees more. Add paranoia and insecurity to that and you have the infamous "Onda Porteña."
We agree.
I just wanted to make a point regarding self preservation as a general rule and not something argies practice cowardly. They might but I'm not aware of it as a particularly local trait. Even then, I would venture that outside Buenos Aires it is likely to be a different story. Porteños are not the best example of what an argie is. I say this as a porteño myself.

We are so fucking clueless and arrogant.