what about skid row in california? Detroit?Refreshing to see Argentina's rich cultural offering celebrated here. We all benefit. The other darker side of the BA moonlight are the desperate conditions in some of the unfashionable barrios. Though these places are often summarised as 'dangerous' and delinquent or crime-ridden, my limited experience of visiting is that they are crowded with mostly decent, desperately struggling poor people whose cultural resources and expression turn on survival and collective (usually family) support. A lot of that culture is inevitably political - about the struggle to survive, evident in graffiti art. Hopefully its not over optimistic to say that it should help them get through the tormenta that is coming.
What about them? Extremes of inequality and poverty exist in the USA, though with a large middle class. USA has strong race element. When I lived in Detroit a little while it was overwhelming a black core city. The people out at Deerborn asked me "You really got on a city bus to here? Wow. What was that like?" Took me a while to understand that one questioner had never ever ridden on a city bus because they were the preserve of blacks, very poor whites and the mentally unwell. as Motown it was white working class plus black immigrants. Its thankfully slowly regenerating.