Best pizza ever ba

Its kinda strange.
When I was back in the states i would rant to anyone that would listen to me about how excelent argentine pzza was.
That was my memory of pizza when i lived in argentina in the 70s.
I dont know if its that I got used to eating NY pizza or what.
Ive been back here since about '08 , and I cannot to this day say i actually enjoyed eating any pizza.
Back in the day it was akin to sicilian style o napolitan style pizza .
Now I just find pizza the way its made here absolutely disgusting.
Sometimes , instead of using mozzarella they use queso fresco and its oh so unpaletable.
What i would give or an achovi pizza or an especial de jamos y queso. I just quit ordering pizza
Another dream shattered.
Fabe, just wondering, is there any thing in BsAs that makes you happy, and if not why stay? Just curious?
Why stay ? Would anything change if i left ? I dont see me leaving as a viable solution.
Cant help you if my views on things experienced gets under your skin.
At least for now , i dont have the option of leaving , although i do travel back to the states every 6 months or so .
There are SOME things that I like here . There are many that are bizzare, strange , unacceptable , primitive , mediocre , and incompetant so cite a few.
But it adds to my experience. I have learnd to embrace it .
Pizza however , has changed here I stand firm on that , you can tear my fingernails out that i wont change my stance on that.
you finde the way pizza is made disgusting? ah? you have problems to digest cheese or what?
I find the pizza isnt made the way it was made in the past . yet its much better than your english . and no , I wont leave argentina in spite of your bad english .
PS , did u and lucas take clases from the same english teacher ?
hhahahahaha that's low class, i want to hear you speak SPANISH and perhaps you will understand the difficulty you will have to express yourself in a foreign language.
I am sure you are not an expert but you should respect other people that are trying to learn the language just like you are trying to learn MY language.