Hey Ashley73~
No worries girl! I'm on my way! My name is Annie and I will be opening the first Bikram yoga studio near Palermo Soho in November. It will be a gorgeous space with retail so you can buy clothes and other things you need to practice, but more importantly, and bottom line, it will be a true Bikram school, dialog purist, HOT studio with all the amenities you need to practice regularly. Send me your email and I'll keep you posted on when we are opening. I'm excited because everyone I met down there said they wanted it so it will be a high energy studio with great teachers. I'm looking forward to teaching you and to having you in my school.
Be well until then and practice at home when you can until I get there. I'll arrive in October and before the studio opens officially will have classes at my house in Almagro once a day.
Certified Bikram Yoga Teacher