Call for a national protest against the release of prisoners


Jun 6, 2005
29 April 2020

Referents from the opposition and even government officials spoke out against issuing permits for detainees, as part of preventive measures to curb the coronavirus in Argentina. From social networks they call for a cacerolazo this Thursday at 8pm, so that "the victims are protected and privileged and not the murderers, rapists and the corrupt"....

April 28 2020...Opinion by Clarin's Editor

Devoto prison riot by prisoners demanding to be released due to the coronavirus pandemic
....What did they discuss at that very rare dialogue table? Implement compensations and commutations of sentences and alternatives to serving sentences. Pure profit for the prisoners as the decision of the officials not to punish the mutineers who violently occupied the roofs of the jail and sent 11 guards to the hospital....
Prisoners are people as well guys - they do not deserve to be in jail. However citizens who left Argentina for holidays or work not knowing there was going to be COVID pandemic have no right to return home to their country according to the Government.... Welcome to the reality we now call Argentina.
El Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense había mensurado su población vulnerable al coronavirus al comienzo de la pandemia: 644 detenidos de más de 65 años y casi 2.500 enfermos con diversas patologías. 233 de ellos estaban diagnosticados con tuberculosis, una enfermedad altamente infecciosa. Otros 476 detenidos y detenidas padecían HIV.

Fantastic news for the community. I wonder if the victims of the dictatorship-era abusers also got to go home from torture sessions when they got sick. Or if rapists freed their victims because they were over 65. Or if murderers let their victims go home if they were pregnant.

If tourists need to quarantine in a small hotel room, why can't criminals quarantine in a jail cell? By the looks of it their cells already have TVs, computers, internet, phones anyway...
Prisoners are being released because the state can no longer afford to keep them imprisoned.

29 April 2020

Coronavirus in Argentina: Justice benefited from house arrest two repressors
Carlos Capdevila and Luis César Nasta, two genocides serving sentences for crimes against humanity, will be able to return to their homes amid the pandemic....
In times of pandemia, a robbery gone wrong shoots up a hospital.... Lamentablemente, robbers can’t go to jail, debido la pandemia, it’s not safe for them.
banging pots and pans will surely change things
No....but signing this petition conveys the opinions of citizens who do not agree...
I am not against the improvement of prisons, but not that they give prisoners freedom.

If a person who goes outside without authorization can be delayed, why should a criminal who committed a crime go out? And let's think about this ... Cassation is asking that those who committed federal crimes (drug trafficking, crimes against humanity, tax evasion, environmental pollution, human trafficking, kidnappings, extortion, contraband, organized crime, crimes against freedom of expression, also come out, crimes related to copyright and industrial property, trafficking of archaeological pieces, electoral crimes, trademark law, counterfeiting, crimes against public administration, money laundering of illicit origin, among others) and I also say, because they are freeing to rapists, murderers, thieves, who live a few blocks from those who were their victims.

I do not agree with the release of these people, it is said that nobody will be able to control them because there are not enough electronic anklets. And then ?, they are released so that they are not infected, but as always human rights, they are not so human and they forget that there are many more of us who suffer robberies, now we will not only be victims of this pandemic, but also We are also victims of these people who did not have problems in stealing your salary in a bank leak, in killing for 100 pesos, in beating a defenseless grandfather, in raping their 13-year-old neighbor. I definitely believe that this decision is to put society at risk. An old risk, but with guaranteed freedom.

Why human rights do not provide soap and more bleach ?, and that they continue in the place that these people chose to be.

I have to live in seclusion to take care of my people, and now I will have to be more careful when I go shopping or go to the ATM. They are not thought of our families and especially our children. Oh my God! what future are we leaving them