Call for a national protest against the release of prisoners

One that was released yesterday robbed an icecream shop in Almargro today.

“What does it matter that they take me prisoner, yesterday I left the Marcos Paz prison because of coronavirus. Take me away, maybe tomorrow I'll be out again ”
By the same token they should consider the odd chance of a peaceful citizen blowing their heads off since there's no prision term , why not?
Maybe open season on criminals?oh nono no never mind human rights apply only to them and not us....
By the same token they should consider the odd chance of a peaceful citizen blowing their heads off since there's no prision term , why not?
Maybe open season on criminals?oh nono no never mind human rights apply only to them and not us....

Some tried... but were stopped by the police who whisked the criminal away to safety with all his fingers in-tact.
Where is Bajo and ventanilla to defend this action by the Government??
You're saying that like it is indefensible. Just give it time, they usual lot will be here.

It's also funny how the media is not covering this loads, almost like it is not really casuing an outrage.
Argentina the type of place to let prisoners out of jail but ban citizens from coming home from overseas. Yes ladies and gentlemen it is not a joke... Who are the morons who voted the muppets into power. Peso at 120 - fly my pretty. Already job losses taking place that I know about locally. Increase in poverty incoming which will mean increase in crime. Good job Alberto - keep printing those pesos.
Argentina the type of place to let prisoners out of jail but ban citizens from coming home from overseas. Yes ladies and gentlemen it is not a joke... Who are the morons who voted the muppets into power. Peso at 120 - fly my pretty. Already job losses taking place that I know about locally. Increase in poverty incoming which will mean increase in crime. Good job Alberto - keep printing those pesos.
Weird, they are doing the same all around the world.
Any goodwill towards Alberto is gone. If this prisoner situation remains, he is already a failed president. I can’t understand how it was ever on the table that prisoners get released. They are holing travelers up in hotels but prisoners go free.
They do not go free, they go to arrest at home where they can have social distancing.
Here you can read Alberto Bovino’s, master at Columbia, opinion: