Campaign Watch

EdRooney, you're right, I overstated my case a bit. Perhaps too much hyperbole in a situation that called for more precision.

But truly, I think the measures that CFK takes will do no long term good, but are rather ways of extending the inevitable. I actually fear the same for the US, EU, JP, etc. But I don't know what's going to happen. Probably somewhere between the worst and the not-too-bad.
... the policies I like, the growth, the inclusion, the social programs, etc.
If hungry: cut you throat and drink the blood, it is full of nutrients.

What you mention are mere Potemkin backdrops.

You must have noticed, that something is very much rotten in the state of Argentina, when you e.g. compare prices today with prices a year ago, when you need foreign currency, ...

Recommended reading: Lost without Cristina
It would be a LONG time before Argentina, by itself, could make itself a country with a rich standard of living without interacting with the outside world. anything else is a denial of the facts of the real world.
I am afraid that no country has succeeded in this without great hardship since the Bronze Age.

Printing money ALWAYS causes inflation
Well, not quite. The major cause for inflation is imbalance between money available and goods produced. If a country increases production, printing an equal amount of money maintains the status quo.
As I said in another thread, this episode happened in February. Curious when it appears, isnt it?
So Matias, do you think we should wait till after the elections before the general public gets a clue about this character called Cabandie?
And this character Insaurralde?
One dimensional doesn't even get near to describing this lightweight. You can almost see the strings moving.

Hi Gringoboy, I think it's a very interesting point you bring up here....What's Cristina's hand picked K star called Martin like? ...Who is this K poster boy running for presidential candidate? Well, it just so happens that other bits of the same Cabandie video surfaced last night on Lanata's PPT show (you may already know about it). In this other part of the same original video, Cabandie is heard to be mentioning the COMPLETE name of Martin Insauralde during his mobile phone call where he is seeking to have this traffic inspector 'disciplined' ... :)

The plot thickens! Ha ha ha! And today I just read in the news that the 22 yr traffic official that fined him (Cabandie) had her contract CANCELLED. In other words , she was sacked...straight after. And...and and and, the locality where Cabandie was stopped in the video footage was lo & behold.... 'Lomas de Samoras'.... Martin Insauralde's municipality. We're getting to know a little more about little old Martin Insaurralde now & how he operates within the K network of power.
It seems Cristina's star national candidate for the presidency is very 'efficient' at getting things done.

How dare this traffic inspector, while doing her job, stop a KK on the street?..she should know better huh?.

La Nacion: "Belén Mosquera, la inspectora que multó a Juan Cabandié, reveló que fue echada después de la discusión
La joven de 22 años contó que después de la discusión con el diputado, la municipalidad de Lomas de Zamora, que conduce el candidato kirchnerista Martín Insaurralde, le canceló el contrato"
Martín Insaurralde reminds me of a balding version of the Manchurian Candidate. Whenever I see that ads on the street for him I can't help but think he's a spineless Robo-K.
I mention Martin (I think I can be chummy with him, since we all know him so well by now) is the anointed one don't you think?
In the same way that Thatcher groomed Major and handed him the poisoned chalice.
John Major however, is a decent man.
The problem with Macri ever gaining enough popularity to win presidency is that outside of Capital he will never drum up enough support. To those outside of BA he will always be the rich boy from Buenos Aires, representing the latest elitists from this city that those especially in the interior have always despised.
Matias in the last 5 years people aren't getting richer, they are just spending more (saving less) because of inflation and this governments policies (including cepo cambiario). People's standard of living in the last few years (after the spike due to the correction from the crisis) is actually falling. It's quite amazing given the continued growth in incomes (due to higher export prices for grains and commodities plus the cash grabs from the pension funds, and raising of derechos de exportaciones/export taxes).
trennod is right, people aren't getting richer, and their standard of living has been falling for quite some time.

People are borrowing like crazy, betting on inflation to reduce their debts in the future.