Cannabis Clubs, Uruguay

How's the weather in Lagos this time of the year?

Why troll me RichardP, can't you see I live in Switzerland right now, here the weather is a bit rainy, beats last week when it was really cold
Partners are better, hands on is always better, good ideas need more than money they need dedicated believers !
im assuming you have at least one partner already, correct? im also assuming youve made friends with someone who can sell you supplies as well.
I hate to be a Negative Nellie, but the chances of this happening are almost 0 unless you have Uruguayan partners who can acquire all the necessary paperwork.

Uruguay is much more insular than Argentina. The idea that they need or want foreign investment or that it is a more stable version of Argentina is a myth. Also, it's just a bureaucratic as Argentina, but with the added difference that there is no recourse to bribery which is how things move forward here.

Don't be fooled into thinking that because Uruguay passed some progressive laws that all of its social institutions are that way.
Time will tell, I may well run away with my tail between my legs, battered by administration, but until that time arises I see a goldmine and I must dig..
Bainzy reminds me of the guy who wanted to know if it was safe to import his Ferrari to Argentina.
Time will tell, I may well run away with my tail between my legs, battered by administration, but until that time arises I see a goldmine and I must dig..

Well, one thing you will easily find are "like-minded" Uruguayans who also see a goldmine. The problem is YOU are the goldmine. You may not have a tail to ran away with.