CFK to Run for Reelection ‘One More Time’

Any other candidate that wins will keep the same policies, you just can't disable the grass-roots of this goverment. The Moyano's and madres keep getting there money, the provinces will keep getting fucked and political power will be bought, etc

There might be some shift in the foreign policy, returning to international credit and hopefully a more positive shift towards Brasil.

Hopefully in the longer term a new agricultury policy, but also not really likely
Lucas said:
I'm assuming that you are in a nucleus of neo-yuppies.

Assuming makes an ass out of u and me. You couldn't be farther from the truth, buddy.
Please, please don't misinterpret me of what I said, you can very well be surrounded by those kind of people and not that you are one of them without knowing the realities of this country, the history and the society fabric, you can easily be tempted to repeat these archaics thoughts because you didn't have the opportunity to listen a different opinion, you can't assure by hearing something in the office and then come here repeating that all is "bread and circus" over again, leaving without give this a more deep thought.

There is also no real solution for inflation, there are (almost) no industrial profesionals in Argentina(brain drain, no real schooling options) and the industry is not competive, so the only way to protect the domestic jobs is to limit imports and that will stoke inflation.

Increase the price of public services will help cool inflation a bit though and it would make the state finances more healthy
Barney said:
There is also no real solution for inflation, there are (almost) no industrial profesionals in Argentina(brain drain, no real schooling options) and the industry is not competive, so the only way to protect the domestic jobs is to limit imports and that will stoke inflation.

Increase public services will help cool inflation a bit though and it would make the state finances more healthy

I think you meant to say decreasing public services will help cool inflation and improve finances.
Philsword said:
I think you meant to say decreasing public services will help cool inflation and improve finances.

I wrote it wrongly but meant if you increase the price of the public services(and that way also the amount of state subsidies will go down) your state finances will improve and decreases inflation
From Carrió to Alfonsín and Cristina: it's all the same...

Politics based on corporatist alliances, clientelism and nationalist bs. Yet that is exactly what the vast majority of Argentines seem to want. So they get the government they deserve.

Too bad that Menem screwed it up in the 90s. Argentina could have been heaven if they had better implemented the Washington Consensus...
What country did a better job implementing the Washington consensus?
Barney said:
What country did a better job implementing the Washington consensus?

Compare Chile's economical performance since Pinochet took office, and compare it to Argentina's track-record since the late 70s...
ReemsterCARP said:
Compare Chile's economical performance since Pinochet took office, and compare it to Argentina's track-record since the late 70s...

The consesus on this board seems to be that Argentina is superior to Chile :)