Lee said:
Don't forget to add to that list that you also have to pay TWICE as much for last years model. Basically if you can't afford to fly to Miami a couple of times a year to stock up on electronics you can still live a nice 3rd world life here!

But hey...as long as you enjoy the ride.
Exactly. And forget about electronics, try having a kid here.
Graco Playard (Collapsible Crib):
Argentina = us$500
USA = us$150
Chicco Travel System Stroller - one of the most basic models (we're not even talking Bugaboo or Peg-Perego -- which in our house we refer to as Pre-pago)
Argentina = us$900
Chile = us$500
USA - us$400
Medela Breast Pump (electronic)
USA = start at us$70 - us$375 depending on model
Argentina = start at us$200 - us$600 depending on model
USA = us$8-10 for set of 5 organic cotton
Argentina = us$5-10 for "set" of 1 (of course you can probably by cheaper ones that will fall apart after 2 washes and are probably flammable...)
Basically the gear like strollers/car seats/cribs/pumps etc for kids/babies is all foreign made, so you pay the same price + another 50% import taxes, plus whatever the merchant decides to markup for their "margin". Or you buy everything second hand at prices that are still higher than the USA for new, or you buy crap brands that will fall apart.
And same with electronics, most of the models are a few years old (and if they've been recalled in the USA they are often available for purchase here because stock is stock and stores don't want to lose their money)
I came back from Miami the other week -- you should have seen the amount of kids stuff coming through the conveyor, everyone had the same idea as us.
Fortunately my husband travels a lot for work, so he'll be picking up stuff for us in Chile and Mexico, because the prices here are just ridiculous -- and between us we have a decent household income -- I can't imagine what it would be like to have to buy that stuff if you didn't.