Chavez Is Dead...

Chavez used the oldest trick in the book…
Divide & Conquer. Pitting the rich against the poor.
Peron did it here with the so called "shirtless ones"
And we're still paying for it.
Castro did it in Cuba with the Blacks there.
It never ends because,... it always works.

It's working in the US right now....
I don't think much of Bush, Thatcher or Berlusconi but, with the possible exception of Berlusconi, they've gone quietly when their terms expired or the voters turned them out. Hugo made his presidency into lifetime tenure.
Thatcher was thrown out by her own party.
Cristina oficialemente declaro 3 dias de feriados!!!!

kidding! but i can just see that happening! <_<
Honestly, for me what is most upsetting and what really rubs me the wrong way about this whole thing thus far is how much outpouring and devastation there is from Cristina for her poor, dear Hugo. To show her respects, she has declared three days of mourning and is on her way to Caracas, blah blah blah...

But where was that kind of empathy and emotion from her or any of the people on top when 51 innocent people died about a year ago in the train crash in Once? As far as I can see, nothing ever ultimately became of that... Or Carolina Piparo (think waaaaaay back, to 2011, when that pregnant woman was shot in the stomach by some chorro thugs in La Plata after a bank transaction)... Or all the other uncountable number of instances when there was incredible suffering and unnecessary pain taking place in her own beloved pueblo, if it didn't involve a photo op or some way to play the blame game at Macri or whatever else suited her cause at the time, Cristina couldn't be bothered... What the hell is her problem?

In the light of the circumstances, this whole dog and pony show is sickening... BASTA!!!


Changing term limits and creating a cult around himself. 14 hour rants on tv and Wearing military outfits all the time.

He may have been elected "democratically" but he bought those votes with handouts.

He was a follower of Machiavello in El Principe, so did Hitler win power democratically and so many other world leaders....
Ultimately The End justifies the Means... is proven over and over!
A while back I read Nicolo Machiavelli's The Prince. I still have the book. And while Chavez may have won power democratically,
let's not forget that he closed at least one TV station that was critical of him and confiscated private property at will.
If that isn't a dictator I don't know what is.

Furthermore, he should have never gone to Cuba for treatment. Cuba likes to portray it self as having state of the art technology
but i think that's far from it. He should have gone to Europe or even Brazil. I don't see other world leaders flocking to Cuba for treatments.
In Cuba they're good at keeping secrets, we still don't know exactly what he died from.
Very strange.