Regarding any items delivered or picked up in person, this video points out that everything brought into the home should be treated (disinfected) as if it is already contaminated with the coronavirus:
I watched the doctor above - who is a surgeon - but a weight lost surgeon. In one of his videos he said that around ~70% of Corona patients put on ventilators die. In another video he said that ~70% of the patients in ICU in the UK are obese or morbidly obese... He's too pessimistic to watch. Even if he is right, I think he is going to get people to give up...
More hopeful is the doctor here (an old favorite in this thread) who is newly upbeat on hydrotherapy. Now, if you come into the hospital with Corona they send you home until you are short of breath with pneumonia. This video gives hope for an old-school therapy to try and stave off the pneumonia:
What this youtuber thinks he has discovered in the interview with Walter Ricciardi is called comorbidity. You'll find the same with any serious health complication - the existence of other simultaneous health issues (diabetes renal failure etc) greatly increases the likelihood of death. The collapse of the health system, the demographics of the country, the fact that they were taken completely by surprise as the first European country with a large outbreak all combine for the horrible number of deaths in Italy. If you have serious doubts about the way they count deaths, look at Spain (similar death rates to Italy), or France in a week (they're a bit earlier in their outbreak, but already at ~500 deaths per day). Germany seems to be doing the opposite - they appear only count covid-19 deaths in the case of *no comorbidities*, which leads to a pretty dramatic undercounting of covid-19 deaths.
Is Italy's covid-19 mortality rate, as quoted by the youtuber (11%), inflated? Yes, because of undercounting of mild cases and dismissal of asymptomatic cases, the same as everywhere else in the world. Total cases in Italy could be anywhere from 4-10x confirmed cases, based on the mild/asymptomatic to severe case ratio seen in the diamond princess and the village of Vò.