Correo - Where Can I Read The Laws-Is It A Crime (Sis)?

I think you need to go back to Ireland as fast as you can you are starting to sound like the locals and that may be irreversible. Not sure... I bailed before I got to that level.

Some people like subjugation. They yell allot but do nothing that really changes anything, then the stupidist thing ive ever seen, they burn their own transportation, and thier own neighborhoods, whos the genuis who thought of that?

Wonder where your letters are???? :rolleyes:
Postman found guilty of keeping more than 19,000 letters at home

The man was discovered during a police raid at his home for a domestic violence complaint. He had 26 garbage bags full of correspondence . Some envelopes were open.
I've been trying to pick up a christmas present for a month now, but the afip website doesn't seem to work. i know i can go to antartida arg and claim it as a foreigner and perhaps only be redirected to retiro station's locutorio, as far as i've been told.
i haven't received stuff from abroad in argentina for more than a year, back then i could either receive it at home or be redirected to a small, semi-efficient, non hellish, neighborhood mail distribution center.
i dread the experience but int he meantime the storage days i'm supposed to pay for keep adding up
i don't know what to do or even if it's worth doing it,
bajo cero, what should i do?
Did the train run on time? Was it democratic? WTF are you saying?
Some people like subjugation. They yell allot but do nothing that really changes anything, then the stupidist thing ive ever seen, they burn their own transportation, and thier own neighborhoods, whos the genuis who thought of that?

Is that a reference to Ferguson?
Wonder where your letters are???? :rolleyes:
Postman found guilty of keeping more than 19,000 letters at home

The man was discovered during a police raid at his home for a domestic violence complaint. He had 26 garbage bags full of correspondence . Some envelopes were open.

but if you read in the begining of my post SOME PEOPLE, government supportors or shills ID say were sayin I ssomehow broke the law? forget the real criminals or hey they SWORDFISH us and blame you for the crimes being committed against us by governments!
Is that a reference to Ferguson?

Its a reference to ALL neighborhoods where the people get mad and they are led by idiots to to idiotic illegal things that help no one but the real terrorists, the ones claiming they are portecting us.